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    2014-07 102學年度_通學識遠:拓展學識視野,豐富美麗人生 王雅瑩,黃金榔,陳溪清,李巧雯,王嘉鈴,錢國盈,傅渱書,郭力維,陳香華,楊穎
    2015-07 103學年度_通學識遠 : 拓展學識視野,豐富美麗人生 楊朝成,錢國盈,黃明棋,蕭景祥,陳如萍,黃源謀,傅渱書,郭力維
    2016-07 104學年度_通學識遠 : 拓展學識視野,豐富美麗人生 楊朝成,杜平惪,錢國盈,黃明棋,傅渱書,郭力維
    2017-07 105學年度_通學識遠 : 拓展學識視野,豐富美麗人生 杜平惪; 王明瑞; 王博駿; 李巧雯; 傅渱書; 藍慧仙
    2013-12 1978-1997 大陸國有銀行貸款行為之實證研究 趙學維
    2009-01-14 1993 年至2008 年(爾雅)學研究論著目錄 汪中文
    2011-01 2010 嘉藥通識教育講座 汪中文,陳錦盛,邱蘭英,郭力維,黃苡珉,鄭任育
    2012-01 2011年嘉南藥理科技大學通識教育講座 汪中文,陳錦盛,邱蘭英,傅渱書,郭力維,陳桂英,蕭文惠,黃苡珉,吳姿蓉
    2011 2011年藝文涵養 ─ 課程與系列講座紀要(上) 李姎顄; 錢國盈; 張靜環; 李宏夫; 蕭景祥; 田凱儀; 黃麗華; 陳如萍; 郭玲娟; 郭菁菁
    2011 2011年藝文涵養 ─ 課程與系列講座紀要(下) 韓瑞信; 顏秀珍; 郭佩君; 陳美貴; 歐陽宇; 李欣穎; 李秀珍; 陳嘉珩; 莊雅雯; 蔡麗芬
    2011 2011年雙溪錦繡 ─ 嘉藥師友作品集 汪中文; 王嘉鈴; 黃苡珉; 吳姿蓉
    2013-01 2012年嘉南藥理科技大學通識教育講座 楊朝成,汪中文,陳錦盛,傅渱書,郭力維,黃苡珉,吳姿蓉,陳香華,利晉興,陳桂英,蕭文惠
    2012 2012年藝文涵養 ─ 課程與系列講座紀要 施穗鈺; 周晶生; 陳明德; 李巧雯; 葉淑麗; 黃芊蕙; 田杏香; 李宏夫; 陳慶隆; 張永俅; 莊一全; 吳明國; 陳英仕; 王耀德; 黃源謀; 林淑怡; 陳淨修; 曹予恩; 蔡淳文; 蘇明欣; 戴秀倫; 黃竹懋
    2012 2012年雙溪錦繡 ─ 嘉藥師友作品集 楊朝成; 汪中文; 王嘉鈴; 黃苡珉; 吳姿蓉
    2014-01 2013年嘉南藥理大學通識教育講座 王雅瑩, 楊朝成,陳錦盛,錢國盈,傅渱書,郭力維,陳香華,楊穎
    2007-10-11 3D雷射掃描儀應用於戶地測量之研究 林宏麟; 林煒涎; 曾清凉
    2003 92 中等教育學程甄選考古題 師資培育中心
    2003 92 幼稚園教師教育學程考古題 師資培育中心
    2007-10-11 95年度國土利用調查作業方式之研究 黃英婷; 周尚弘; 劉浚育; 徐閔儀; 李淑芬
    2010 99年度南區通識課程教師研習營 許立人
    2022 The Added Value of Intraventricular Hemorrhage on the Radiomics Analysis for the Prediction of Hematoma Expansion of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage Wu, Te-Chang; Liu, Yan-Lin; Chen, Jeon-Hor; Zhang, Yang; Chen, Tai-Yuan; Ko, Ching-Chung; Su, Min-Ying
    2013 Advancing collaborative learning with cloud service Huang, Yong-Ming; Wang, Chia-Sui; Guo, Jia-Ze; Shih, Huan-Yu; Chen, Yong-Sheng
    2020 Age, Gender and Season Are Good Predictors of Vitamin D Status Independent of Body Mass Index in Office Workers in a Subtropical Region Wang, Li-Kai; Hung, Kuo-Chuan; Lin, Yao-Tsung; Chang, Ying-Jen; Wu, Zhi-Fu; Ho, Chung-Han; Chen, Jen-Yin
    2009-01-14 AMotivatingLeamingActivityintheFirstLectLire 吳荻吉
    2019 Anti-aging Cosmeceutical Product Containing of Nymphaea rubra Roxb. ex Andrews Extract Kamma, Marisa; Wei-Chao Lin(林維炤); Lau, Shang-Chian; Chansakaow, Sunee; Leelapornpisid, Pimporn
    2014-02 Antiapoptotic Agent Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Protects Vitrified Murine Ovarian Grafts Tsai, Yung-Chieh; Tzeng, Chii-Ruey; Wang, Chia-Woei; Hsu, Ming-I; Tan, Shun-Jen; Chen, Chi-Huang
    1994 Approaches to Varieties and Novelties In English Teaching and Learning Li-Bi Shen
    2008 Are There Any Gender Differences in the GEPT Picture Description Listening Comprehension Test ? Hsiu–huei Chiu
    1995 Assessing Students' Academic Dishonesty in Junior Colleges in South Taiwan Li-Bi Shen
    2015-03 The association of healthcare seeking behavior for anxiety and depression among patients with lower urinary tract symptoms: A nationwide population-based study Huang, Charles Lung-Cheng; Ho, Chung-Han; Weng, Shih-Feng; Hsu, Ya-Wen; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Wu, Ming-Ping
    2023 Association of labor epidural analgesia exposure with long-term risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring: A meta-analysis of observational studies Hung, Kuo-Chuan; Chen, Jen-Yin; Hsing, Chung-Hsi; Hsu, Chih-Wei; Liu, Ping-Hsin; Chang, Ying-Jen; Chen, Jui-Yi; Chiu, Sheng-Fu; Sun, Cheuk-Kwan
    2008-07 Asymmetric and DCC Analysis of the Stock Market Correlations: An Evidence Study on the Hong Kong and Japan Stock Market Wann-Jyi Horng; Ming-Chi Huang
    2009-06 An asymmetric and DCC Analysis of two Stock Markets Veturns' Volatility:An Evidence Study on the Hong Kong and Japan's Stock Markets Wann-Jyi Horng; Ming-Chi Huang
    1997 Becoming Aware of L2 Reading 邱秀惠
    2017-09 The bidirectional relationship between anxiety, depression, and lower urinary track symptoms: A nationwide population-based cohort study Huang, Charles Lung-Cheng; Wu, Ming-Ping; Ho, Chung-Han; Wang, Jhi-Joung
    2021 Biological Inoculant of Salt-Tolerant Bacteria for Plant Growth Stimulation under Different Saline Soil Conditions Wang, Ru; Wang, Chen; Feng, Qing; Liou, Rey-May; Lin, Ying-Feng
    2015-04 Body of water involved in older adult drowning deaths in the united states Wu, Wen-Shiann; Cheng, Tain-Junn; Lu, Tsung-Hsueh; Kawachi, Ichiro
    1998 A Case Study on English Teachers Self-Introductions upon Meeting New Classes Using A Motivating Learning Activity Sabrina D. J. Wu; Francin Rong Lee
    2013-07 Characterization of the Specificity of Imidazoline I-1 Receptor Antibody for Subtype of Imidazoline Receptors In Vitro Wang, L. -Y.; Ku, P. -M.; Chen, S. -H.; Chen, L. -J.; Yu, Y. -M.; Cheng, J. -T.
    2017-09 Chitosan promotes immune responses, ameliorating total mature white blood cell numbers, but increases glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and ameliorates lactate dehydrogenase levels in leukemia mice in vivo Yeh, Ming-Yang; Shih-, Yung-Luen; Chung, Hsueh-Yu; Chou, Jason; Lu, Hsu-Feng; Liu, Chia-Hui; Liu, Jia-You; Huang, Wen-Wen; Peng, Shu-Fen; Wu, Lung-Yuan; Chung, Jing-Gung
    2021 Comparison between laryngeal handshake and palpation techniques in the identification of cricothyroid membrane: a meta-analysis Hung, Kuo-Chuan; Lin, Yao-Tsung; Sun, Cheuk-Kwan
    2021 Correlation of Body Mass Index with Oncologic Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer Patients: A Large Population-Based Study Chiu, Chong-Chi; Ho, Chung-Han; Hung, Chao-Ming; Chao, Chien-Ming; Lai, Chih-Cheng; Chen, Chin-Ming; Liao, Kuang-Ming; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Wu, Yu-Cih; Shi, Hon-Yi; Lee, Po-Huang; Lee, Hui-Ming; Yeh, Li-Ren; Soong, Tien-Chou; Chiang, Shyh-Ren; Cheng, Kuo-Chen
    2020 Correlation of internal carotid artery diameter and carotid flow with asymmetry of the circle of Willis Wu, Te-Chang; Chen, Tai-Yuan; Ko, Ching-Chung; Chen, Jeon-Hor; Lin, Ching-Po
    2008-05 Creativity:The Fifth Skill in College English Language Calss 黃玲蓉
    2007 The Cross-Cultural Background Knowledge in the EFL Reading Comprehension Yu-Ling Chang
    1999 A Curriculum Design for Teaching English to Low-achievement Students Li-Bi Shen
    2014 CXCL1 Regulation in Human Pulmonary Epithelial Cells by Tumor Necrosis Factor Shieh, Jiunn-Min; Tsai, Yih-Jeng; Tsou, Chih-Jen; Wu, Wen-Bin
    2008-06 A DCC Analysis of Stock Market and Exchange Rates: An Evidence Study of the South Korea Country Wann-Jyi Horng; Ming-Chi Huang
    2013 Decrease of Plasma Glucose by Hibiscus taiwanensis in Type-1-Like Diabetic Rats Wang, Lin-Yu; Chung, Hsien-Hui; Cheng, Juei-Tang
    2013-07 Demethoxycurcumin Inhibits Energy Metabolic and Oncogenic Signaling Pathways through AMPK Activation in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells Shieh, Jiunn-Min; Chen, Yung-Chan; Lin, Ying-Chao; Lin, Jia-Ni; Chen, Wei-Chih; Chen, Yang-Yuan; Ho, Chi-Tang; Way, Tzong-Der

    Showing items 1-50 of 461. (10 Page(s) Totally)
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