This study explored junior college students, test cheating problems and attempted to find out a solution. 1029 students from 2-year and 5-year junior colleges in south Taiwan were asked to complete in Mandarin a ten-item survey questionnaire. Results indicated that 85 percent of the subjects cheated on examinations and 40 percent of the students reported that they might cheat during English examinations. The results also revealed seven strategies Students used in test cheating. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended several solutions to prevent cheating in English examinations. The solutions were analyzed in three directions: enforcing the testing design, improving the grading system, and emphasizing students' counselling. Students, teachers, parents, and school authority should work together as a chain to solve this problem. Any one of them breaks the chain, cheating will still remain. 本文旨在研究大專學生考試作弊之情形,以了解其作弊的動機、理由、內容、方法及使用工具,並尋求解決之道。本文的研究對象,取自於高雄及台南地區1029位五專與二專學生。為求公正客觀,此22個班級的學生在無事先告知的情況下回答問卷,並於2到3分鐘內完成,不可互相交談。問卷調查的結果顯示,作弊在專科學校是嚴重且普遍的現象,因為只有百分之十五的學生不作弊,而會作弊的學生多有其特殊的理由。其中以「想考及格以免被當」佔百分之六十九最多。結果亦顯示出七種常用的作弊法。此外,百分之四十的學生承認考英文的時候會作弊。因此,本文另針對此問題提出改善的方法。基本上,測驗卷的設計,評分標準的改進,以及學生心理輔導的加強,這三方面是值得商榷並重視的議題。而學生、導師、任課教師、家長、及學校當局,在此一問題中,又扮演了重要,密不可分,如同鎖鍊般之角色。任何一方的疏忽、都可能使鎖鍊斷裂,作弊的問題便k遠存在而無法解決了。