In the field of foreign language teaching, more and more attention has been drawn to the correlat1ons between the learners’backgrounds and the learning efficiency. Gender has been considered as one of the main factors that might affect the language proficiency. This article primarily focuses on the correlations between the gender differences and the listening performance. In total, 212 non-English majors at one technological university participated in this research program, including 104 males and 108 females, The test was sourced from the elementary level GEPT mock tests by the Language Training and Testing Center .In this study, both quantitative and qualitative procedures contributed to the data analyses according to the test responses and the post-test interviews . The findings revealed that male students outperformed their counterparts in the overall listening performance, which ran counter to the earlier, research contributions. According to the results, there were not enough significant gender differences to establish a relationship between gender and listening difficulties, and the future studies are also suggested. 在外譜教學領域中,學習者的背景與學習效率之間的關係愈來愈受到重視,而性別則為可能影響語言技能的上要原因之一。本研究主要探討性別差異是否存在於聽力表現與聽力困難之問。參與者為科技大學非英語系學生共212 人,其中男性104 人,女性108人,試題來源為財團法人語言訓練測驗中心官方版聽力模擬測驗。此測驗結果及測後訪談為根據執行量化與質化之分析後,本研究發現在整體聽力表現上男學生較優於女學生,此結果有異於過去研究的看法。在聽力困難方面,並無足夠明顯的差異得以與性別建立相互的關係。以研究結果為基礎,未來研究的方向也一併在文中呈現。