This paper argues that in addition to teaching the four skills of English, opportunities should be sought for developing the fifth skill of creativity in college language class. Thus, to cultivate this skill, this study advocates the use of representational texts (e.g. song lyrics and poems) to empower creativity and imagination in the process of language learning. Two guided language-based tasks are proposed to illustrate how representational texts can be integrated to
foster the often-neglected skill in the process of language learning. One task for this study aims to use song lyrics to exercise the creative and imaginative response by asking students to write a letter after investigating the text in class; the other is to foreground linguistic elements in a poetic text by asking students to write an English poem. Students being taught certain linguistic elements in language class are encouraged to learn the application of noun phrases in a poem to see how they can create the language and manipulate its meanings in a text. In the end, a follow-up survey reveals that and the language-based tasks along with the representational texts indeed motivated students to know how languages work in the texts. It also proves that the pedagogical intervention helps students bridge their own experiences with interpreting the poetic text, and thus develop the capacity for self-expression. 本論文說明在大學的英語課堂中,除了培養聽說讀寫的四項能力之外,創造力(即所謂的第五種能力)的培養應該是不容忽視的。因此為了培養學生第五種能力,筆者提出運用文學性的文本(例如英詩及英文歌曲)來提升學生的想像力及創造力。在此篇論文中,筆者選用了一首英詩及一首英文歌詞做為課堂中的學習教材。另外筆者也依據文本的特性設計了兩份教案。教案中的活動設計目標為利用英文歌詞的內容來增進學生的創意及想像力;運用英文詩中的語言結構來增進學生寫作的創造力。教案設計中,鼓勵學生藉著自己的經驗及情感將反覆出現於詩中的名詞結構轉換成自己的文字,進而在課堂中創作自己的詩。最後本研究的問卷資料顯示:文學性文本的確可以增加學生發掘語言如何呈現意義之動機。筆者希望,不一樣的教材教法能夠增強學生的語言感受力,並且學習運用文字表現自我的情感,發展創造力。