This paper aims to illustrate the responses of the author's two groups of non-English major freshmen toward a motivating learning activity based on author's self-intorduction in the first lecture. Class A students had an intermediate level of EFL;Class B, high beginners. They took author's English classes as a core coures for General Education. The paper includes the motivations of the study, a description of the 15-20 minutes self-introduction activity, the method, and an evaluation of the results of the questionnaire given to the students based on the activity. The questionnaire reflects students'responses in terms of their preferencec(See Q2,Q5,Q10,Q14 of Questionnaire), impressions(See Q11,Q12)and attention(See Q6). positive responses are found through the questionnaire after implementing the self-introduction activity. Despite the limitations of this preliminary study, such as its validity and reliability, it is hoped that the findings pf this study and the author's suggestions for successfully conducting this motivating learning activity will help English teachers break the ice with their students and, therefore, develop a highly motivating as well as happy learning environment on the frist day of a new English class. 本論文在探究科技大學生,在修習核心通識英文課程時,對於作者在第一堂課所設計之教學活動之反應。對象是A組-52位高成就學生與B組-另外52位低成就學生。本文主要包括:1.研究動機、2.介紹此一教學活動〔約15~20分鐘〕、3.研究方法、4.問卷評估、5.結論與展望。此篇論文顯示兩組學生皆覺得自我介紹之教學活動既新鮮又有趣,給了作者正向之回應。此外,研究並顯示高成就學生有較高之學習動機,而且口語表達能力較差,因此更能適應此教學活動。儘管本論文在信度與效度方面,有其不足之處,卻仍是希望本文所提供之教學活動能夠幫助英語老師打破上第一堂課時,面對學生所可能產生之僵局,進而激發學生學習英語之興致,並營造出快樂學習之氣氛。