It happens in each semester that sutdents who flunked in English need to retake the course.This paper presented a designed syllebus for ESL teachers to use with low-achievement students.After having observed low achievers in ESL classes for ten years,the researcher found the nesessities of changing teaching materials to improve their study; therefore, a handout was designed to substitute for regular textbooks. In the whole scheme, twenty-five proverbs in alphabetical order were selected, a teaching handout including prounciation, vocabulary, grammar, and orthography were depicted, and a checklist for classroom performance was provided for tracking low achievers' progress. Further studies such as the application of this design and the development of more effective teaching methods are needed. It Is of interest to know if the changing of curriculum design,such as classroom activities, teaching contents, studen's' course load, styles of testing, and gradingwould help those at-risk students pass the English course. Nevertheless, the researcher believed that the more suitable English curriculum used on low achievers, the better achievement we will find on students' effective English learning. 每學期,在英文課堂上,或多或少會有隨班、重備、或延修之低成就的學生。本文目的在為低成就學生設計新教材,以配合其程度上之差異。作者根據過去十年來對低成就學生之觀察,認為低成就學生,需要一份富有彈性的教材,遂設計了一份上課義及考核表,做為英文教師的參考。教材內容含蓋:格言成語、發音、單字文法、拼字之範例。以期能協助解決低成就學生,課業及心理方面的問題。本教材教案,是根據文獻探討及作者教重修生之心得而設計。上課的進度及內容,可配合學生情況及程度,由教師自行調配。學生亦可按照自己的程度學習英文。至於本教材教案使用之效果及學生的反應,則作進一步的研究。此外,適合英文低成就學生之課程設計,例如:教材內容,活動設計,作業多寡,測驗型式,及評分方式亦值得探討。作昔認為,英文老師在教材上越創新、在教學法方面越能因材施教;低成就之學生在學習效果上就會越有成就。