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    Showing items 251-300 of 1256. (26 Page(s) Totally)
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    2010-03 Inhibition of melanogensis by a novel origanoside from Origanum vulgare Chia-Hua Lianga; Tzung-Han Choua; Hsiou-Yu Ding
    2010-03 Inhibition of melanogensis by a novel origanoside from Origanum vulgare Chia-Hua Liang; Tzung-Han Chou; Hsiou-Yu Ding
    2011-01 Inhibitory effect of a water extract from Pemphis acidula on melanogenesis in mouse B16 melanoma cells Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Chang, Te-Sheng; Chiang, Chien-Min; Tai, Sorgan Shou-Ku
    2015-02 Inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts from Miracle Fruit leaves on mutation and oxidative damage Chen, Tai-Yuan; Kang, Zhi-Chyang; Yen, Ming-Tsung; Huang, Ming-Hsing; Wang, Bor-Sen
    2011-06 Inhibitory effects of molasses on mutation and nitric oxide production Wang, Bor-Sen; Chang, Lee-Wen; Kang, Zhi-Chyang; Chu, Heuy-Ling; Tai, Huo-Mu; Huang, Ming-Hsing
    2010-07 Inhibitory effects of sweet potato leaves on nitric oxide production and protein nitration Ming-Hsing Huang; Heuy-Ling Chu; Lih-Jeng Juang; Bor-Sen Wang
    2012-11-15 Inhibitory effects of water extract from longan twigs on mutation and nitric oxide production Wang, Bor-Sen; Tang, Chi-Hua; Chiu, Chih-Kwang; Huang, Ming-Hsing
    2013-07 Inhibitory effects of water extract of Flos Inulae on mutation and tyrosinase Huang, Ming-Hsing; Tai, Huo-Mu; Wang, Bor-Sen; Chang, Lee-Wen
    2016-02 The Inhibitory Mechanisms Study of 5,6,4 '-Trihydroxy-7,3 '-Dimethoxyflavone against the LPS-Induced Macrophage Inflammatory Responses through the Antioxidant Ability Wang, Shih-Hao; Liang, Chia-Hua; Liang, Fong-Pin; Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Lin, Shiuan-Pey; Huang, Guan-Jhong; Lin, Wen-Chuan; Juang, Shin-Hun
    2014-05 Insomnia Subtypes and the Subsequent Risks of Stroke Report From a Nationally Representative Cohort Wu, Ming-Ping; Lin, Huey-Juan; Weng, Shih-Feng; Ho, Chung-Han; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Hsu, Ya-Wen
    2010-10-05 Interaction of alon-emodin (AE)/liposome-AE with human nonmelanoma skin cancer cells, and skin permeation of AE. Chia-Hua Liang; Tzung-Han Chou
    2008-07 Isolation and Characterization of Streptomyces hiroshimensis strain TI-C3 with anti-tyrosinase activity Chang, Te-Sheng; Tseng, Min; Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Tai, Sorgan Shou-Ku; 丁秀玉
    2001 Kinetin抗老化機制對於皮膚細胞粒線體DNA在日照下之保護作用及其對抑制皮膚黑色素形成機制之研究 侯征宏
    2019 Kolb 學習風格結合問題導向教學引導學生適才適性以提升多元競爭力 劉坤湘
    2009 KT、KF和LJ抗氧化與美白功效之評估 許雨霈
    2017 l,4-benzodiazepin-2,5-dione 化合物合成及其物化性質探討 廖曼晴; 何文岳; 李冠漢
    2018-10 LPA(1/3) signaling mediates tumor lymphangiogenesis through promoting CRT expression in prostate cancer Lin, Yueh-Chien; Chen, Chien-Chin; Chen, Wei-Min; Lu, Kuan-Ying; Shen, Tang-Long; Jou, Yeong-Chin; Shen, Cheng-Huang; Ohbayashi, Norihiko; Kanaho, Yasunori; Huang, Yuan-Li; Lee, Hsinyu
    2021 Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor Antagonists and Cancer: The Current Trends, Clinical Implications, and Trials Lin, Yu-Hsuan; Lin, Yueh-Chien; Chen, Chien-Chin
    2020-01 Lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA(3) prevents oxidative stress and cellular senescence in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome Chen, Wei-Min; Chiang, Jui-Chung; Lin, Yueh-Chien; Lin, Yu-Nung; Chuang, Pei-Yun; Chang, Ya-Chi; Chien-Chin Chen(陳建欽); Wu, Kao-Yi; Hsieh, Jung-Chien; Chen, Shih-Kuo; Huang, Wei-Pang; Chen, Benjamin P. C.; Lee, Hsinyu
    2023 Managing the transition in cervical screening methods for Taiwan: Policy recommendations and perspectives Chen, Chien -Chin; Lai, Chyong-Huey; Chang, Chih-Long; Cheng, Wen-Fang; Pwu, Raoh-Fang; Tsai, Jane; Wang, Peng-Hui; Whang-Peng, Jacqueline; Lai, Gi-Ming
    2008-05 Mechanisms and preclinical efficacy and safety of herbal medicine, Solanum incanum, in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma Chia-Hua Liang; 梁家華
    2009-10 Mechanisms of antioxidant and antimelanogenesis induced by vanillin and acid Pin-Ru Chen; Tzung-Han Chou; Hsiou-Yu Ding; Wei Jing Hung; Rong-Jyh Lin; Pei-Ju Hung; Chia-Hua Liang
    2018-11 Mechanisms of Lysophosphatidic Acid-Mediated Lymphangiogenesis in Prostate Cancer Wu, Pei-Yi; Lin, Yueh-Chien; Huang, Yuan-Li; Chen, Wei-Min; Chen, Chien-Chin; Lee, Hsinyu
    2022 Mechanisms of Nanotoxicology and the Important Role of Alternative Testing Strategies Wu, Yuan-Hua; Ho, Sheng-Yow; Wang, Bour-, Jr.; Wang, Ying-Jan
    2011-01 Melanogenesis inhibition by a crude extract of Magnolia officinalis Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Chang, Te-Sheng; Chiang, Chien-Min; Li, Sin-Yi; Tseng, Deng-Yu
    2012-08 Melanogenesis Inhibition by Homoisoflavavone Sappanone A from Caesalpinia sappan Chang, Te-Sheng; Chao, Shih-Yu; Ding, Hsiou-Yu
    2014-05 Methanol Partition Fraction of Ethanol Extract of Discorea nipponica Makino Inhibits Melanogenesis Hsiou-Yu Ding; Pei-Wen Lin; Hui-Wen Wang; Te-Sheng Chang
    2015-05-05 midazolium側鏈對抗瘧疾藥物之微透析回收率的影響 雷豐駿; 劉國盛; 何文岳
    2014-01 Modulation of Cyclins, p53 and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Signaling in Breast Cancer Cell Lines by 4-(3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenoxy)benzoic Acid Lee, Kuan-Han; Ho, Wen-Yueh; Wu, Shu-Jing; Omar, Hany A.; Huang, Po-Jui; Wang, Clay C. C.; Hung, Jui-Hsiang
    2021 Molecular cartography of residue pesticides on grape surface in 3D by ambient ionization tandem mass spectrometry Su, Hung; Huang, Tiao-Lai; Chi, Cheng-Ting; Cho, Yi-Tzu; Lee, Chi-Wei; Jeng, Jingyueh; Shiea, Jentaie
    2023 Molecular Detection of Rickettsia hoogstraalii in Hyalomma anatolicum and Haemaphysalis sulcata: Updated Knowledge on the Epidemiology of Tick-Borne Rickettsia hoogstraalii Aneela, Aneela; Almutairi, Mashal M.; Alouffi, Abdulaziz; Ahmed, Haroon; Tanaka, Tetsuya; Vaz, Itabajara da Silva; Chang, Shun-Chung; Chen, Chien-Chin; Ali, Abid
    2009-11 The molecular effects of aloe-emodin (AE)/liposome-AE on human nonmelanoma skin cancer cells and skin permeation. Tzung-Han Chou; Chia-Hua Liang
    2023 Molecular evidence of Borrelia theileri and closely related Borrelia spp. in hard ticks infesting domestic animals Khan, Mehran; Almutairi, Mashal M.; Alouffi, Abdulaziz; Tanaka, Tetsuya; Chang, Shun-Chung; Chen, Chien-Chin; Ali, Abid
    2008-06 Molecular genetic mining of the Aspergillus secondary metabolome: discovery of the emericellamide biosynthetic pathway Yi-Ming Chiang; Edyta Szewczyk; Tania Nayak; Ashley D. Davidson; James F. Sanchez; Hsien-Chun Lo; Wen-Yueh Ho; Hagop Simityan; Eric Kuo; Alex Praseuth; Kenji Watanabe; Berl R. Oakley; Clay C.C. Wang
    2012-03 Molecular Packing and Lateral Interactions of Distearoylphosphatidylcholine with Dihexadecyldimethylammonium Bromide in Langmuir Monolayers and Vesicles Chang, Chien-Hsiang; Liang, Chia-Hua; Hsieh, Yu-Ying; Chou, Tzung-Han
    2023 Molecular prevalence and phylogeny of Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma ovis and Theileria ovis in goats and sheep enrolled from a hill station in Punjab, Pakistan Arif, Muhammad; Saeed, Suleman; Bashir, Ahsan; Farooq, Muhammad; Nasreen, Nasreen; Khan, Adil; Asif, Muhammad; Khalil, Muhammad Asif; Ijaz, Maryam; Muqaddas, Hira; Mehmood, Naunain; Iqbal, Furhan; Chen, Chien-Chin
    2023 Molecular Survey of Rickettsia raoultii in Ticks Infesting Livestock from Pakistan with Notes on Pathogen Distribution in Palearctic and Oriental Regions Shehla, Shehla; Almutairi, Mashal M.; Alouffi, Abdulaziz; Tanaka, Tetsuya; Chang, Shun-Chung; Chen, Chien-Chin; Ali, Abid
    2016-02 Morphology and opto-thermal properties of the thermo-responsive PNIPAAm-protected gold nanorods Lee, Chia-Fen; Zhang, Geng-Ming; Nieh, Mu-Ping; Don, Trong-Ming
    2021 Multifunctional biological properties and phytochemical constituents of Mangifera indica L. seed kernel extract for preventing skin aging Poomanee, Worrapan; Khunkitti, Watcharee; Chaiyana, Wantida; Intasai, Nutjeera; Lin, Wei-Chao; Lue, Shang-Chian; Leelapornpisid, Pimporn
    2011-09 Murine tyrosinase Inhibitors from Cynanchum bungei andevaluation of in vitro and in vivo depigmenting activity Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Chang, Te-Sheng; Shen, Hung-Chang; Tai, Sorgan Shou-Ku
    2007 N-(羥基苯)多羥基苯醯胺化合物之抗氧化與抑制酪胺酸酶之活性研究 張嘉苓; Chia-ling Chang
    2014-09 N-Acetylcysteine Attenuates Hexavalent Chromium-Induced Hypersensitivity through Inhibition of Cell Death, ROS-Related Signaling and Cytokine Expression Lee, Yu-Hsuan; Su, Shih-Bin; Huang, Chien-Cheng; Sheu, Hamm-Ming; Tsai, Jui-Chen; Lin, Chia-Ho; Wang, Ying-Jan; Wang, Bour-Jr
    2016 Nanocarrier of Artrocarpus lakoocha heartwood extract application for whitening agent in cosmetic PIYANAN, THUAMWONG
    1996 The Neck and Facial Skin Properties of Taiwan Young Ladies on Skin Moisture, Lipid and Elasticity Wei-Jing Hung
    2023 Negative regulation of type I interferon signaling by integrin-linked kinase permits dengue virus replication Kao, Yi-Sheng; Wang, Li-Chiu; Chang, Po-Chun; Lin, Heng-Ming; Lin, Yee-Shin; Yu, Chia-Yi; Chen, Chien-Chin A.; Lin, Chiou-Feng; Yeh, Trai-Ming A.; Wan, Shu-Wen; Wang, Jen-Ren A.; Ho, Tzong-Shiann; Chu, Chien-Chou A.; Zhang, Bo-Cheng; Chang, Chih-Peng A.
    2012 Neosartorya fischeri基因剔除品系之建構 劉坤湘; 呂敏勇
    2017 A new flavonol from the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora Lee, Shwu-Woan; Hung, Wei-Jing; Chen, Zong-Tsi
    2019 A New Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Enhances Radiation Sensitivity through the Induction of Misfolded Protein Aggregation and Autophagy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Chiu, Hui-Wen; Yeh, Ya-Ling; Ho, Sheng-Yow; Wu, Yuan-Hua; Bour-Jr Wang(王伯智); Huang, Wei-Jan; Ho, Yuan-Soon; Wang, Ying-Jan; Chen, Li-Ching; Tu, Shih-Hsin
    2014 A new imidazolium ionic polymer as a gas chromatography stationary phase for separation of high and wide temperature range complex samples Kao, Chang-Long; Lin, Siou-Yuan; Hsieh, Yu-Nung; Ho, Wen-Yueh; Chen, Yan-Fu; Huang, Ping-Chin; Kuei, Chun-Hsiung
    2020 A new macrocyclic diterpenoid fromAnisomeles indica Chao, Chen-Liang; Huang, Hui-Chi; Ding, Hsiou-Yu; Lai, Jenn-Haung; Lin, Hang-Ching; Chang, Wen-Liang

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