To measure moisture content, lipid content and elasticity of neck and facial skin according to 14 different anatomical locations, 82 Taiwan young ladies with ages from 19 to 23 were stu-died with three biophysical instruments: the Corneometer CM 820, Sebumeter and Coutometer SEM 474. Tbe experimental resublts show that the moisture content of neck and face gives lower values in the left lower check (70.87�24.29 A.U.) and the right lower check (72.97�23.25 A.U.), and higher values in the area under the right eye (105.72�l1.66 A.U.), and under the left eye (105.97�ll.49 A.U.). For lipid content, the area under the left eye (55.63�33.90 ugcm-2), fore neck (52.63�30.95 ugcm-2), and rear neck (42.17�27.84 ugcm-2) are lower values, vice versa the fore head (116.18�52.32 ugcm-2), and nose head (124.68�47.65 ugcm-2) are higher values. While nose head has the poorest elasticity (O.51�0.12 Ur/Uf) and the fore neck has the best elasticity (O.81 �0.13 Vr/Uf). For the same person, no significant corrections between moisture content, lipid content and elasticity were observable, that is, there is no dependence among the neck and face of skin moisture, lipid and elasticity. Furthermore, the 14 sections of neck and face can be combined into 6 regions as a new method of neck and face assessment for the evaluation of neck and facial skin type. 測試82位台灣青年女性,年齡從19歲到23歲的皮膚膚質,將每位受測者的頸部及臉部分為14處測試點測試。然後使用皮膚保溼測試儀( Corneometer CM820 ),皮脂含量測試儀( Sebumeter )及皮膚彈性測訌纖維( Coutometer SEM474 )測之。其測試結果顯示頸部與臉部的保溼能力,以左臉頰下方( 70.87±24.29A.U.) ,及右臉頰下方( 72.97±23.25A.U. )較差,而以右眼下方處( 105.72±1 1.66A.U. )及左眼下方處( 105.97±11.49A.U. )有較高的保溼能力。其皮脂含量以夸左眼下方處( 55.63±33.90ugcm -2 ),前頸部( 52.63±30.95ugcm -2 )及後頸部( 42.17±27.84ugcm -2 )為較低,而以額頭( 116.78±52.32ugcm -2 )及鼻頭( 124.68±47.65ugcm -2)有較高值,但鼻頭有最差的彈性( 0.51±0.12Ur/Uf),而以前頸部的彈性最佳( O.81±0.13Ur/Uf)。 測試結論得知對同一人而言,頸部與臉部的同一處皮膚其保溼能力,皮脂含量及彈性彼此皆無相關性,也就是說其三者皆為獨立的,並非保溼硿能力特好其皮脂含量就高。 最後綜合所有測試資料,可將原有頸部與臉部的14處測試點,重新組成六大區域,作為對頸部與臉部膚質評估的新方法。