研究結果發現多數幼兒已萌發出後設認知能力,不同閱讀程度幼兒的後設認知及敘述的故事分數有顯著差異,進一步分析發現書面故事組的幼兒優於口頭故事組及無故事組,而後設認知分數與故事之間也有顯著的正相關。此外,本研究也就幼兒的後設認知及口述故事進行質的分析,並進一步探討本研究的應用與限制。 Effective learning depends on successful cognitive implementation. Educators long have been interested in metacognitive researches and gained more insights about this area, but few researches focused on young children. This study aimed at exploring young children’s literacy-related metacognitive emergent.
This study is to examine young children’s emergent literacy-related metacognition during the construction of meaning. Participants will be 40 preschoolers from kindergartens. Each child is asked to pretend reading his favorite storybook and then divided their reading level by Cox’s model-no story, oral story, and written story. Then ask each child engage in a literacy task of constructing an “autonomous” text for others to read. The scribe will write their oral discourse. Then analyze the autonomous texts by their holistic quality, identify and quantify metacognitive utterances surrounding the texts. Statistics analysis the correlation of textual quality and metacognitive score, and metacognitive score between different reading level by ANOVA. The qualitative analysis is also discussed.
Statistical analysis revealed that most preschoolers were already developing emergent metacognition; there was a significant emergent reading level effect on both metacognition and textual quality, and there was a significant relationship between metacognition and the quality of the dictated text. There were distinct and important qualitative differences among different reading and metacognitive level children. Limitaions and implications of the study are also discussed.