「社區」一詞,從學校教育的角度而言,其所代表的意涵大致可區分為五類(林明地,2004),亦即:(一)以地方或地理區域(plac)代表社區;(二)以人際社會互動(social interaction)做為社區的意義;(三)以一群具有共享價值的人們(a group of people with shared values)代表社區;(四)以外在於學校的大眾、政治世界(the public,political world external to the school)為社區;以及(五)以學校生活的凝聚本質(a coherent quality of a school itself)代表社區。
本文擬就台南市現有的里及社區發展協會為研究主體,以問卷及抽樣方式,就其里長或地方領袖的認知,進而暸解台南市不同社區對目前社會福利的需求及滿意度,俾供參考。 In view of school education, “community” represents five different aspects : (1) place or region (2) social interaction (3) a group of people with shared values (4)the public, political world external to the school (5)a coherent quality of a school itself. Based on the questionnaire and random poll, this paper aims to understand not only the local leaders’ thoughts and suggestions but also the needs and satisfaction degree of social welfare in Tainan communities. The subjects are the village leaders and the local lesders of Community Development Associations.
It is hoped that findings of this study will help further researches.