經濟部為積極推動溫泉產業發展,已於中華民國九十二年七月二日公佈實施「溫泉法」。依據「溫泉法」 第十九條「溫泉取供事業或溫泉使用事業應裝置計量設備,按季填具使用量、溫度、利用狀況及其他必要事項,每半年報主管機關備查。………」;又溫泉法子法中「溫泉開發許可辦法」亦將「溫泉水質、水量、水溫監測計畫」列為溫泉開發及使用計畫書之必要項目;基於上述兩項規定,未來溫泉業者須裝設計量設備,量測溫泉水使用量、檢測水質與溫泉狀況,故為有效管理及永續利用溫泉資源,落實使用者付費之公平原則及衛生要求,應著手建立溫泉量測技術及設備之標準,提供業者與地方管理之依循,避免影響溫泉之質與量,達到溫泉資源永續利用之目的,爰此辦理本計畫。 本計畫主要分為二項工作主題:(一)溫泉檢測技術與設備之研究、(二)溫泉計量技術與設備之研究,其工作內容及項目乃為國內外溫度檢測、計量技術與設備相關法規、規範、產業、技術等基本資料現況蒐集及調查,檢討評估並建立溫泉檢測技術與設備標準、溫泉計量技術與設備標準、相關作業規範。 To better manage the hot spring (geothermal) resources, the Hot Spring Act has been recently passed and enacted in July of 1993. It helps Ministry of Economics and local governments to better manage the development and protection of hot spring resources. The governments are required to monitor the production of hot spring water by the public and private facilities in the Hot Spring Act. Therefore, an appropriate water quality analysis method and suitable flow measurement equipments are important to help authorities monitor the production of hot spring water. This project aims at establishing a regulation for water quality analysis, a specification of flow rate measurement equipments (flow meters), and the equipment standards for both water quality analysis and flow meters. The team of Hot Spring R&D Center in the Chia-Nan University was in charge of this project. The research efforts will be put into two aspects, including the assessment of water quality analysis methods and equipments, and the investigation of the performance of flow meters in the hot spring environments. Literature review, surveys and geochemical modeling will be used to analyze the potential of corrosion and scaling of flow meters. Standard water quality analysis will be reviewed to evaluate if they are appropriate for the hot spring water analysis. These results will be put together in our final project report, and will be used to establish the regulations of hot spring water quality analysis and specifications of flow meters used for hot spring water measurements.