本計畫主要目的為探討人工補注於溫泉區之應用。首先收集整理前人研究成果,包括溫泉區人工注入技術及相關理論,以及人工注入產只案例,以作為本計畫及其他相關研究參考。此外,為進行人工補注評估,本計畫將建置指標以評估台灣溫泉區對補注需求之優先順序,以及溫泉區適合之補注方式,作為人工補注施行之參考,並對其可行性進行預估,包括可能遭遇之問題、經濟效益、環境衝擊評估等,並進行場址數值模擬,以預估人工補注產生之效益,以及提供人工注入案例參考。 The purpose of this subject is discussing the application of artificial recharge in hot-spring areas. First, the references are collected that included the technical of injection and sites to be the consultation in this project. Besides, several index system will be established to sort the injected requirement of hot-spring areas and devise the applicable artificial recharge setup in one area. In addition, the feasibility of artificial recharge is another important diction that we consider the problems when injection, economical benefit and environment impact statement. Finally, the numerical model of research areas are established and the state of geothermal groundwater is solved to estimate the effect of artificial injection and to provide the anticipation of examples.