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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://ir.cnu.edu.tw/handle/310902800/9014

    標題: 台灣地區學齡前托兒中心教保人員營養知識、態度、行為及營養教育需求之研究
    A Study of Nutrition Knowledge; Attitude; Practice and Nutrition Education Need among Caregivers in Preschool Daycare Centers.
    作者: 林佳蓉
    貢獻者: 幼兒保育科
    關鍵字: 營養教育
    Nutrition education
    Nursery teacher
    Educational need
    Nutrition knowledge
    Nutrition attitude
    Nutrition practice
    Day care center
    Preschool education
    日期: 2000
    上傳時間: 2008-11-21 10:35:43 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 幼兒的飲食行為將影響未來一生中慢性疾病的發生。近年來由於社會型態改變,婦女出外工作的比例增加,使得家庭對於幼兒托育服務需求大量增加,托兒中心的教保人員擔任父母之外影響幼兒營養及飲食習慣的重要角色。教保人員的營養知識、態度及行為是否理想?教保人員的營養教育需求是什麼?實值得深入探討。本研究採用問卷調查方式,問卷內容包括:(1)營養知識(營養素功能與來源、幼兒營養素需要量、每日飲食指南、幼兒營養評估、幼兒餐點設計)。(2)營養態度及(3)營養行為(4)營養教育需求。抽樣方法:以台灣地區立案之學齡前幼兒托兒中心(包括托兒所及幼稚園)教保人員為母群體,採兩段分層隨機抽樣方式,樣本預計為1,500人。調查時間為一年。本研究中有14.07%研究對象負責餐點設計,其餐點設計方法中以選擇自行設計及使用循環菜單的比例為最高。35%樣本施行營養及飲食指導者總,其中以吃餐點時隨機教育的人數比例最高,其指導內容以『均衡飲食』居多,教保人員施行幼兒飲食指導時最常遇到的問題為缺乏教材。研究對象認為幼兒最嚴重的營養問題體質弱,最嚴重的飲食是偏食。大約一半的樣本曾參加過營養相關課程,他們主要係在學期間修課及參與訓練課程。正式營養課程以外,教保人員平日營養知識的來源以選擇報章雜誌最多。91.07%的研究對象希望接受營養知識或技能的相關課程,他們最希望的營養課程型態為訓練班,以幼兒營養問題及輔導方法及餐點設計最希望的營養課程的內容,選擇週末為最適合上課時段的人數比例最高。文中探討教保人員在托兒中心餐點設計、營養教育施行、營養教育概況、營養教育需求受年齡層、服務學校所在地區、服務學校性質、教育程度及目前職位的影響。在營養知識方面,均衡營養、幼兒期營養知識的得分較佳,但團體膳食營養知識則較顯不足,另外在營養概論、營養評估、營養障礙兩方面,得分僅在及格邊緣,不太理想。省二級、大專、大學、幼保科系畢業、助理教師、教師、有設計過餐點、在學校期間參加營養相關課程、個人的飲食行為、對營養知識的態度、對幼兒飲食習慣的態度都是營養知識重要的影響因素,其中省二級、幼保科系畢業、助理教師、教師有較低的知識分數,餘皆有較高之知識得分。在飲食行為方面,最正向的行為是教保人員指導幼兒飲食的行為,其他依序為:教保人員膳食設計行為、教保人員個人的飲食行為、教保人員進行營養衛教行為,顯示教保人員進行營養衛教行為略差。年齡35歲以上,幼保科系畢業、助理教師、有施行營養及飲食指導、在學校期間曾參加營養相關課課程、團體膳食知識、對幼兒營養的態度、對營養知識的態度都是教保人員飲食行為的重要影響因素,其中幼保科系畢業及助理教師有較低的行為分數外,餘皆為較高行為表現。教保人員的飲食態度中,最正向的態度是教保人員對幼兒營養的態度,其他依序為:其對幼兒飲食習慣的態度、其對營養知識的態度、其教導幼兒飲食方法的態度,顯示教保人員教導幼兒飲食方法的態度欠佳。大學、幼保科系畢業、在學校期間參加營養相關課程、參加一般營養訓練課程、個人飲食行為、進行營養衛教行為、指導幼兒飲食行為、營養概論知識、團體膳食知識、營養評估知識、營養障礙知識都是重要影響因素,其中僅進行營養衛教行為有反向影響態度,餘皆為正向影響。
    The healthy eating habit is an important factor to prevent children from disease. With the development of economy in our society, an increasing number of children are put at daycare center while their parents are out for working. Therefore, the caregiver in daycare center plays an important role in preschooler nutrition and eating habits. However, there is little research to assess the nutrition knowledge, attitude, practice for caregivers in daycare centers. The purpose of this study is to examine the knowledge, attitude and practice of nutrition among caregivers in daycare centers. The need for nutrition education is also analysis. A Questionnaire is designed for data collection. Questions in this questionnaire include: nutrition knowledge (the source and function of nutrients, the need of nutrition for preschool children, dietary guideline for preschooler, meal planing and nutrition assessment for preschoolers), nutrition attitude, nutrition practice and nutrition education need. The target population is the caregiver in daycare center in Taiwan area. By stratified random sampling procedure. One thousand and five hundreds subjects are sampled from all the caregivers in daycare center. The study is supposed to be finished in one year. The target population is the caregiver in daycare center in Taiwan area. By stratified random sampling procedure. One thousand and five hundreds subjects are sampled from all the caregivers in daycare center. The study finished in one year. In this study, 14.07% of the samples are in charge of meal design. The most used measures in meal design are self-design. 35% of samples are giving children nutrition advice while eating. The most frequent content of nutrition instruction is to eat various food. The most frequently problem for caregivers in daycare centers is lack of nutrition education materials. The most serious problem for children eating is bias of food choice. Half of samples had taken nutrition course from school or training program. Newspapers and magazines are major source of nutrition knowledge for samples of this study. The most needed type of nutrition training for samples is a short-term training program. The contents of the nutrition training they like best are how to help children with proper eating habits and meal design. The most suitable time period for the training course is on weekend. In this paper, the nutrition attitude, knowledge, practice and education need of caregivers subject to the influence by factors of their age, working region, type of working organization, their education background and the present position for their working place. Regarding to nutrition knowledge, caregivers showed good scores in balanced nutrition and childhood nutrition, but poor scores in diet planning. In addition, nutrition knowledge scores in basic nutrition, nutrition assessment and nutrition problems are fair. Caregivers' knowledge vary in term of their different region where the daycare center is located, their education background, their positions at the daycare center, whether they have experience in meal planning, whether they have nutrition class at school. personal dietary behaviors, attitude toward nutrition and children's eating habits. Caregivers, who are from suburban area or who graduated from department of childhood education, or who are assistant teachers or teachers, have low score in knowledge test. Regarding to nutrition behavior, the most positive behavior for caregivers i
    關聯: 計畫編號:DOH89-TD-1073
    Appears in Collections:[嬰幼兒保育系] 其他研究計畫

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