本研究已建立奈米銀之經皮吸收測定技術, 並評估奈米銀在不同基質下的經皮吸收速率,研究結果顯示對於不同粒徑的奈米銀而言,在18 小時的經皮吸收實驗評估中,均未發現明顯的滲透現象,貼布剝除實驗結果則顯示,在兩小時的皮膚暴露後,奈米銀可以到達第 10~ 20 層之角質層。此外,由工廠訪視的結果可以瞭解,目前台灣製造生產奈米銀的工廠極少。 In this study, the percutaneous absorption system of nanoparticles, especially for silver nanoparticle, is well established . The eightteen hours skin absorption evalution of silver nanoparticles by diffusion cell method shown that there is no significantly absorption. The 2 hours test with tape stripping method shows that the nanoparticles just spread at layer 1 and layer 2.