液晶應用於化粧品,主要可增加產品的外觀價值,所選的液晶必須維持液晶的外觀,方能應用於化粧品。本實驗探討COC、CPE、CB等三種膽固醇類液晶材料於常溫下維持液晶的比例,以作為進一步調製化粧品的基礎,裨能進一步探討其於應用時對經皮吸收的貢獻。 The applications of liquid crystal on the Cosmetic products are attracting us recently. In order to understand how is the radio of the molecules mixed together would be keeping in liquid crystal state at Room temperature. Here we used three cholesterol derivatives such as COC、CPE、CB. We got some data. In my opinion, they are very important for us to prepare the Cosmetics including liquid crystal molecules. And in the future we want to know what the contribution of the epidermal transportation would be happened while the Cosmetics products have been used.