本研究之目的在探討如何降低黃豆蛋白中之嘌呤含量,並研究在不同之條件下,去嘌呤處理時對蛋白質結構與物性所造成的影響。當黃豆蛋白以0.2N HCl加熱處理時,發現溫度愈高,則去嘌呤效果愈佳。若延長加熱時間,也有相似效果。總之,黃豆蛋白在70℃的0.2N HCl加熱1小時之後,嘌呤去除率可高達70%。70℃加熱1小時下,以磷酸取代鹽酸,去嘌呤效果才40%去除率。70℃1小時的熱水洗泡也有約60%的嘌呤去除率。 The object of this study is to investigate the effect of low purine content soy protein and on its functional properties and chemical structures. When the soy protein was hydrolized at 50℃-90℃, in 0.2N HCl, for 1 hr. The greater is the temperature, is greater the removing ability of purine content. The longer is the hydrolysis time, the lower is the purine content. The same as the HCl concentration do. The HCl condition of 70℃ for 1 hr. can get a very low purine content soy protein as 30%.The same condition (70℃ for 1 hr) of H3PO4 , the purine content is 60%, higher than HCl. But treated it with hot water of 70℃ for 1 hr, the purine content is 40%.