運用人為方式清除已然散布到環境中之含氯芳香族化合物,如氯苯、氯酚與多氯聯苯等污染,是件非常不易的事,其中僅有微生物分解作用能產生較大的影響,然而對於高含氯量如六氯苯者,則較難直接經由好氧菌進行分解,因此若要解決此一化合物之污染,唯有先行降低其含氯量,而厭氧微生物之還原性脫氯作用正是底泥之六氯苯降解作用中唯一可以在自然界自發性進行的反應。本研究擬於實驗室中架構一組模擬台灣河川底泥自然環境的實驗槽,進行環境中六氯苯脫氯作用之實驗,結果將可提供底泥中六氯苯等含氯芳香族化合物污染整治與復育的參考。 Whenever the pollution of highly chlorinated organic compounds such as hexachlorobenzene generated, it needed decades to get rid of them. However, microbial reductive dechlorination was known as the effective way to degrade these chlo-rinated aromatic compounds. Recently, we have investigated the potential for reductive dechlorina-tion of PCBs by indigenous anaerobic microorgan-isms from sediments in Taiwan. And we also found that by using natural sediment waters as sole media, sediment microorganisms did dechlorinate hexachlorobenzene and 234-trichlorobiphenyl. This study focused on the remediation of HCB pol-lution, including the evaluation and enhancement of the environmental dechlorination ability by using a simulated aquarium box. The results provided useful information for establishing an effective remediation technique for cleaning the HCB pollu-tion in sediments.