為探討人工溼地於含鹽水環境中,其溶解性有機污染物降解特性之變化,本研究乃於表面流式(surface water flow, FWS)及潛流式(subsurface water flow, SSF)組合人工溼地之進流基質中加入1%之氯化鈉之條件下,以探究其污染物降解效能之變化,由本研究之實驗結果可知FWS人工溼地於含鹽1%的條件下,其溶解性有機污染物之去除效率於7週內降為不含鹽之對照組系統之33%,其去除率約為19.0%~81.8%,平均去除率約為54.7%,約較對照組低13.8%,至第9週時,於挺水性植栽枯死狀況下,其降解效率仍與大致對照組相同,至於潛流系統之結果,受鹽度影響後去除率約為17.9%~72.7%,平均去除率約為41.6%,大致與對照組相近。至於組合系統之整體去除率則分別為77.8%~91.2%與41.8%~87.3%,顯示鹽度確會造成溼地系統處理效能之負面影響,其處理效率平均下降約10.9%,同時,系統之不穩定性亦會增加。 To investigate the salinity effect on the degradation of organic pollutants in constructed wetland (CW) systems, two systems composed of a free water surface (FWS) bed and a vegetated submerged (VSF) bed were installed and operated under salinities of 0% and 1%. The emergent plants, cattail and reed, were planted in FWS beds and VSF beds, respectively. According to the results, the BOD5 reduction in FWS was decreased to a minimum when saline water inflow began for 7 weeks. It was only 33% of FWS CW in fresh water. The cattails were almost withered; however, the reduction of saline CW nearly returned to a similar level for FWS in fresh water in the adaptation period. In this stage, the reduction experienced dramatic variations and ranged 19.0 % ~ 81.8 %. The average was about 54.7% and still 13.8 % lower than that of FWS in fresh water. When saline organic pollutants entered VSF, no evident differences were found between those systems. The reduction was between 17.9 % and 72.7% and the average was 41.7 %. For the combined system of CW, the reduction would be more stable. In fresh water, it ranged 77.8 % ~ 91.2 % and averaged 81.9% whereas; they became 41.8 % ~ 87.3% and 74.7% for saline water. The salinity only lowered the reduction about 7.2 % according to experimental results.