本計畫即是以臭氧噴霧的方式進行室內生物氣膠去除,利用臭氧噴霧霧粒去除生物氣膠,同時在此技術中臭氧被包覆在水膜內,故無臭氧溢散之問題,也改善了過去單純使用臭氧於室內生物氣膠去除時,室內臭氧濃度過高之問題。因此應用此技術具備同時去除室內生物氣膠去能力,同時也不會造成室內空氣品質惡化。本計畫開發重點在於利用白金電極以電解純水之方式生成臭氧水,製造穩定且溶解度高之臭氧水生成系統,進以噴霧系統產生「抗菌臭氧電解噴霧」,進以去除生物氣膠,同時抗菌技術為非專一性,對細菌、真菌與病毒等均有去活性作用。故本計畫為「應用抗菌電解臭氧噴霧去除生物氣膠之研究」,藉由抗菌乳鐵蛋白濾材之開發,達到有效去除生物氣膠之目的。 This work applied the fibrous filter coated with the electrolyzed ozone water spraying to explore the feasibility of inactivating bioaerosols. The bioaerosols are generated from a microbial suspension liquid using a Collison Nebulizer. The bioaerosol was dried by the diffusion dryer. The dried aerosol then passed through a Kr-85 radioactive source, which neutralized them to the Boltzmann charge equilibrium. After passing through the neutralizer, the aerosol was delivered into the stainless-steel test chamber. Then bioaerosols were inactivated using electrolyzed ozone water spraying. To assess removal efficiency of electrolyzed ozone water spraying, bioaerosols were collected and cultured from air before and after electrolyzed ozone water spraying treatment. This work will show the results of the feasibility of removal different bioaerosols by electrolyzed ozone water spraying. Otherwise, the effects of different air exchange rate, and relative humidity on inactivating bioaerosols by electrolyzed ozone water spraying will be investigated completely in this work.