為瞭解國人參與日本自由行親子旅遊的旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙與旅遊體驗價值在不同個人背景變項之差異情形,以及了解旅遊動機、阻礙與體驗價值之間是否存在顯著的影響關係。本研究透過具備日本自由行親子旅遊背景經驗者,利用網路問卷填答資料,以描述性統計分析、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等方法來分析樣本資料。結果發現,日本自由行親子旅遊次數對旅遊動機、阻礙與體驗價值最具顯著性差異;而日本自由行親子旅遊者旅遊動機、旅遊阻礙與旅遊體驗價值之間有顯著性的影響。本研究提供從事日本親子自助旅行者相關規劃資訊,拓展旅遊業者對於親子出國旅遊市場,開發更多的服務。 The purpose of this study is to explore the reflection of individual background variations on travel motivation, constraints and experiential value.This study also aims to understand the correlation between travel motivation, constraints and experiential value. A total of 462 usable questionnaires were collected from Taiwanese family’s Free Independent Travelers (FITs). The conclusions included that the cumulative number of traveling times is the most significant individual background variations on travel motivation, constraints and experiential value. Both travel motivation and constraints have influences on experiential value.The results contribute practical information not only to family’s FITs but also to the travel agencies business.