觀光產業是近幾年政府一直積極發展的產業之一,這幾年來台的旅客人數有上升趨勢,更在2012年更創下了731萬來台的高人次;在旅遊人數增加的同時,旅客在台旅遊期間是否能夠玩得盡興又便利,觀光旅遊機制對旅客所提供的服務是否滿意也日漸重要。 本研究以交通部觀光局「2015年來台旅客消費及動向調查問卷」實證資料,以國外自由行旅客為研究對象,主要探討國外自由行旅客,對於台灣所提供之旅遊滿意程度;本研究包括觀光便利性、觀光環境國際化、環境安全性以及整體滿意度等項目。利用SPSS統計軟體進行分析,以次序羅吉特模型進行旅遊滿意度與來台相關性之實證分析。結果顯示,自由行旅客在不同性別、年齡層、年收入、最高學歷及國籍上,對於整體旅遊滿意度感受上具有顯著差異,證明了台灣在觀光旅遊業上所做的努力是有目共睹,最後依據本研究結果,提出作為觀光行銷策略改進及提昇觀光服務品質之參考建議。 In recent years, our government has been proactive in the tourism, leading to the increasing number of foreign passengers to Taiwan. This was further warranted by the record-high number of overseas passengers (i.e. 7,310,000) to Taiwan in the year of 2012. With the rising number of overseas passengers to our homeland, the following two factors were also of paramount importance in building up the thriving tourism: (1) the cost-effective traveling itinerary, and (2) the efficient service by related travelling agencies. The empirical data in this study was mainly referred to the questionnaire regarding the propensity to consume by overseas passengers to Taiwan in 2015, which was officially designed by Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and communications, Republic of China. Particularly, this study zoomed in onto the independent travelers to Taiwan to capture their written responses to the following three major issues: the degree of convenience in travelling, the internationalization of sightseeing spots, and the extent of satisfaction with the environmental safety. The numerical evidence was further verified by Ordered Logistic Model to reach the conclusions and make related suggestions. The research findings revealed that the satisfaction of travelling indeed had strong bearings on the following variables via the statistical computation: gender differences, different disparity age,annual incomes, academic degrees, and nationalities. In short, the development of tourism in Taiwan was well-recognized by our invited research participants (i.e. the sampled overseas passengers) . These research findings shed lights on the in-depth study concerning the marketing strategies of tourism as well as the quality of service in the tourism.