本計畫的目的是針對坊間常用之的草藥或植物進行保健產品之開發,在計畫中擬將已被引進台灣一段時間的桃葉斑鳩菊(俗稱南非葉),利用它所具有的抗發炎(沈可信,2016)、抗氧化(Farombi 和 Owoeye,2011)的功效外,其水萃外敷劑甚至具有的抑制消除腫瘤 (Howard, Stevens, and Izevbigie et al. 2003)之功效,桃葉斑鳩菊水萃物在抗發炎甚至外敷預防上顯現出極大的潛力。本研究將桃葉斑鳩菊蒸餾水萃物作為主要成分,以具抗發炎、抗氧化之天然植物開發製作成身體乳液及護手霜等日常保健產品,降低使用過多化學合成物所造成之過敏現象,可以作為老人或婦女較為脆弱及敏感性肌膚之日常保健產品。未來將透過參加發明展、期刊論文、研討會等方式推廣功效,期能夠媒合到有興趣的廠商以作為技術移轉之目的。 The possibility of using Bitter Leaf (Vernonia amygdalina Delile) to make a daily care product, such as hand care lotion and body lotion. “Bitter leaf” (Vernonia amygdalina Delile) was an herb brought and planted in Taiwan more than half a century, and used as daily care herb for many illness such as skin inflammation, cold, high blood pressure, and tumors. There are dozens studies revealed Bitter Leaf water extract has a great potential of anti-oxidation and inflammation alleviation ability. In this study, we will try to assess and discover the possibility of using Bitter Leaf to make a daily care product, such as hand care lotion and body lotion.