在二十一世紀中,由於醫療科技的發達,人們的壽命因此延長許多,也因此開始迎向高齡化社會;高齡化社會的議題之一就是老年人的健康問題,身體往往都在這個時候開始發出大大小小的疾病警告。同時因為物價持續上漲而薪資不漲的現象,在高齡化社會中,年輕人除了需要照顧自己的孩子外,還要肩負照顧年長者的沉重負擔;也因此很多年輕人都必須花更多的時間在外工作賺錢養家,退休的老年人也只能待在家裡而沒有人陪伴,想要出門看醫生也很不方便。拜智慧型手機普及之賜,如果能運用App 的健康照護功能就可減輕年輕人的負擔,並讓老年人透過手機健康照護App 來學習如何管理自身的健康及生活。
本研究設計了一個整合性功能的「樂齡生活App」行動照護系統雛形,納入許多老年人與其照顧者所需要的功能;除了App 系統的實作設計外,本研究還要探討使用者(包括年長使用者與其照顧者)在了解此App 的功能後,是否還願意使用此「樂齡生活App」來幫助自身的日常生活與減輕照顧者身體與心靈的負擔。因此,本研究也提出了一個以科技接受模式與創新擴散理論為基礎的研究模式來驗證系統設計之正確性。根據問卷分析之結果發現到,相對優勢、認知易用性、認知有用性、相容性與自我效能這五個前導變項對於使用者是否願意採用「樂齡生活App」有很大的影響。 With advances in medicine and technology in the 21st century, human life is longer and Taiwan has become an aging society. The one of key issue of aging society is the problems of older adults. Many diseases will start to attack them. Besides, caregivers, mostly young people, have a larger financial burden in aging society. They must care their children and older adults, e.g. their parents and must spend more time to earn money. Many older adults are at home lonely and cannot go to see doctor by themselves. However, the widespread of smart mobile phone, this will decrease the stress put on caregivers if older adults can use mobile applications to manage their healthcare and promote functional independence.
In this study, we design an integrated elder shield mobile application (ESMA) which includes many functions for older adults and caregivers. Moreover, this study also explores ESMA use intension after users , including older adults and caregivers, already tried this ESMA and understood its functions. Therefore, we provide a research framework based on technology acceptance model (TAM) and innovation diffusion theory (IDT) to verify the correctness of ESMA design.