摘要: | 近年來,數位內容設計產業成為新興的重點產業之一。關於數位內容設計的教學,實務(軟體操作)與理論(設計原理)扮演相當重要的腳色,兩者缺一不可。然而,在技職教育中,數位內容設計的人才培育並非容易,因為技職體系的學生對於理論原理大多缺乏興趣,這些學生比較偏好學習實務。換言之,這些學生普遍擁有數位內容設計軟體的操作能力,但是卻缺乏數位內容設計的設計能力。具體來說,這些學生設計的數位內容普遍欠缺視覺效果且無法清楚傳達資訊散佈者的概念與意圖。因此,若是能協助學生學好數位內容設計,其有助於培養數位內容的人才,符合產業界的需求。因此,在此計畫的第一年,我們設計與發展一個數位遊戲來輔助學生學習色彩學,因為色彩學是數位內容設計的基礎。 In recent years, digital content design has become one of the most important industries due to the development of technologies and the promotion of policies. In the digital content design, practice (e.g., software operations) and theory (e.g., design principles) played important roles in training a successful digital content designer. However, the theory of digital content design is not easy to teach in the technological and vocational education, because the technological and vocational students are usually not interested in the theory. On the contrary, such students usually prefer the practice. Thus, it is a vital issue to develop a sound approach to assist students in learning the theory of digital content design. With regard to this issue, emerging technologies provide a good solution to help students effectively learn the digital content design. Among the emerging technologies, e-book, affection feedback and game are the most potential technologies. E-book can be used as an innovative learning platform, affection feedback technologies can be used to perceive the emotion of students for understanding their learning emotions, and game can be used to stimulate the learning motivations of students. Accordingly, in this sub-project, we will design and implement several games and integrate these games into the affection feedback-centered e-book system for developing an affection feedback-centered e-book game-based learning system. Furthermore, the proposed system will be applied to the digital content design course. To investigate the feasibility of the proposed system in the digital content design course, one experiment is designed in which the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, instructional materials motivational survey, a learning achievement test, brainwave attention, and brainwave meditation are used to explore the intention to use, learning motivation, learning effectiveness, attention, and meditation of students. Finally, a series of analyses were carried out to examine the feasibility, and a number of conclusions were made based on the results of these. |