由於資訊與網路科技的快速發展與改變,在網際網路中進行人與人之間資訊分享與 溝通的行為也快速成長為重要的網路習性。且因為資訊的使用與分享更重視對使用者人的合理需求,所以人機互動的過程由過去的實用性、認知性和可用性等基本觀點外,更增加了實際體驗的因素。 本研究同時考慮到不同型態的旅人,可能會有不同的使用者介面需求與議題,擬利 用人物誌(Persona)研究法,萃取出主要不同類型的旅人主流使用者後,再針對主流使用 者的特點進行研究分析。從以不同主流旅人旅遊資料庫成長機制為對象,探討如何呈現不同旅人情感與經驗之互動介面設計。如此,旅遊社群網站服務的開發者,就可以依照不同旅人類型的需求提供合宜的分享平台,以取得更多的商機與優勢,同時設計出適合讓不同型態旅人分享情感與經驗之互動介面,是重要而實際的議題。 本計畫先行導入人物誌研究法,以萃取重要的不同旅人主流類型與行為模式,再根據不同的旅人主流類型,確認如何呈現其情感與經驗之互動介面設計之人機介面議題與 關鍵因素;接著透過與不同旅人主流類型的專家與實際使用者的訪談中,瞭解研究議題之人機介面與作業進行模式的重點;然後再藉由使用者動作標記法 (UAN)探討研究議題之人機介面與作業進行的過程。接著建立研究議題之人機介面與作業進行之研究實驗系統雛型、進行程序與方法。最後則發展適用之人機介面模式,並進行實證分析。 In the recent Internet era, the concept of Web2.0 promotes the information-sharing and communication in the Internet. For this reason, the experience design factors must be considered as well as useful, cognitive and useable factors mentioned before when the interaction interfaces are deigned. For the sake of larger groups of travelers, the specific technique, persons, is used to identify different groups of travelers. Accordingly, design teams will be able to develop the proper interaction interfaces appropriately to match these different groups of travelers’ needs. This proposal investigates the interaction interfaces for presenting the different personas of traveler’s emotion and experience gathered at the travel database system. The travel information-sharing and communication platform must provide the proper mechanism for different persona users for more profit. It is an important issue to design friendly interaction interfaces for right users. The process of this proposal is described below. First, apply the persona technique to identify and describe the different personas of the travelers in terms of their needs and personal characteristics. Second, identify the design issues and critical factors of interaction interface about the different personas of traveler’s emotion and experience presentation. Next, use the user action notation (UAN) to analyze the interact processes for these personas. Then, construct the prototypes of interact system. Last, test and modify the prototypes.