本研究旨在探討身心障礙幼兒母親處理親子衝突之因應策略。以調查研究法為主,訪談為輔的研究方法,以台南市、高雄市及屏東縣公私立幼兒園所、特殊教養機構(學校)領有身心障礙手冊以及有醫師診斷證明為發展遲緩三歲至六歲的幼兒母親為研究對象。在量化調查研究中正式樣本為 164 人,質性訪談研究樣本為5 人。使用的研究工具為研究者編製的「親子衝突因應量表」。所得資料以描述性統計以及MANOVA 等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究的主要發現如下:
二、不同障礙類型的幼兒母親在十二種衝突情境中,只有在穿衣和購物兩種情境的因應策略分數達顯著水準。穿衣衝突情境中發展遲緩幼兒母親使用「順應」策略的得分數顯著高於聽語障礙幼兒母親和多重障礙幼兒母親。在處理購物衝突情境下,發展遲緩幼兒母親使用「強迫」策略得分顯著高於多重障礙幼兒母親。 The purpose of the study was to find out how mothers of preschool children with disabilities to deal with parent-child conflict by using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Samples were those mothers whose preschool children with disabilities in southern Taiwan. The quantitative sample size was 164 and qualitative samples size was 5. The questionnaire “the Inventory of Mother’s Coping Strategies of Parent-Child Conflict” was developed by the author and using quantitative data analyzed and MANOVA by SPSS 10.5 as data analysis tools.
The major findings were as follows:
1. Mothers of preschool children with disabilities had significant differences when they deal with parent-child conflict. The cooperative strategy was used most. The compromising, forcing and accommodating strategies were in line with next. The least used strategy was avoiding strategy.
2. Mothers’ coping strategy of different type of disabled children only had significant differences in two parent-child conflict situations such as “dressing” and “shopping”. In “dressing” conflict situation, the development retarded children’s mothers significantly used accommodating strategy more than mothers of hard-of-hearing & speech impaired and multi-handicapped. In “shopping” conflict situation, the development retarded children’s mothers also significantly used forcing strategy more than mothers of multi-handicapped.