以矽膠 ( Silica gel G )為擔體,氯仿與甲醇 ( 4 : 1 )混合液為展開劑之薄層層析,於366nm螢光燈下能檢測出黃柏鹼( Berberine )與阿克利諾兒l Acrinol )之方法,簡便而迅速,效果良好。以羧基甲基纖維素 ( CM- CelJulose )為吸附劑之柱層層析,先以1 %( V/V )鹽酸溶液溶出黃柏鹼( Berberine ),再以20% ( V/V)醋酸溶液溶出阿克利諾兒( Acrinol ),於分離後,分別和標準品溶液或對照溶液,黃柏鹼( Berberine )於421 - 422 nm,阿克利諾兒於410 nm,以比色試驗作定量分析,其分離效果良好,所得結果準確,是藥廠品質管制上一理想方法。 Acrinol and berberine were detected by TLC method (silica gel, chloroform : methanol = 4:1) under UV 366 lamp against standard solution. For quantitative purpose, both ingredients were separated by column chromatographic method with CM-Cellulose column using 1% HC1 for berberine and 20% acetic acid solution were determined by colorimetric method. it gave a satisfactory results and proved to be an ideal method for the quality control of the pharmaceutial industry.