本研究目的旨在探討複方精油與睡眠品質改善之成效。以芳香療法介入30名(男性10名,女性20名)受測者之日常生活,實驗設計為受測者於每日晚間沐浴後,直接以滾珠瓶塗抹頸部及太陽穴約10分鐘,前十日使用安慰劑配方、後十日使用複方精油,總共為期20天。主要使用「匹茲堡睡眠品質量表」及「壓力知覺量表」為研究測量工具,以比較芳香療法介入對於睡眠品質(包括:睡眠持續時間、睡眠困擾、睡眠潛伏期、個人主觀睡眠品質及日間功能障礙、睡眠效率、安眠藥物使用等七個面向)、以及壓力感受之變化程度。資料統計分析方法包括成對T-test檢定、皮爾森積差相關以及線性迴歸。結果顯示:(1) 複方精油之介入可改善睡眠困擾(P=.031)、日間功能障礙(p=.023)及個人主觀睡眠品質(p=.005);(2) 複方精油介入後與前測的差值表現上,在壓力知覺量表的分數和心率變異分析儀的壓力指數之間呈正相關(r=.763,p<.001);(3) 複方精油之介入於心率變異分析儀中顯示可降低壓力感(p=.002)。本研究結果發現複方精油有改善睡眠品質、及舒緩壓力之功效;而壓力測量則以心率變異分析儀之結果較壓力知覺量表為顯著。 The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of compound essential oil on improvement of sleep quality. Thirty subjects (10 males, 20 females ) were prescribed with self-administrated placebo treatment for around ten minutes during the first ten days and then with compound oil for the next ten days once daily after taking a bath at night. Two questionnaires,“ Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PQSI ) ” and “ Perception Stress Scale ( PSS ) ” were employed to measure sleep quality (composed of seven components including sleep duration, sleep disturbances, sleep latency, subjective sleep quality, daytime dysfunction, sleep efficiency and use of sleeping pills ) and stress level, respectively. Descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Pearson correlation and linear regression were used for comparing the differences among baseline, experimental group, and control group. The results showed that: (1) compound essential oils could improve sleep disturbance (p = .031) , daytime dysfunction (p = .023) , and sleep quality (p = .005) ; (2) baseline and compound essential oils demonstrated a positive correlation on PSS and heart rate variability (HRV) ( r=.763 , p<.001); (3) compound essential oils could reduce stress level ( p=0.002 ). This study suggested that compound essential oils might improve sleep quality and alleviate stress, and the measurements of stress was shownmore salient by using HRV rather than PSS.