An attempt was made to use a HCG-like protein extracted from an early prognant placenta for the preparation of a raegent for diagnosing pregnancy in women. Although the exact function of the HCG-like protein in early pregnancy Is not definitely known, we found that there was at least seven components which showed antigenic behavior in inhibiting the agglutinating reaction between HCG-latex and HCG-antiserum. The fraction which contained the major HCG activity in placenta has been isolated, partially characterized, and applied to produce antiserum and HCG-latex. The carboxylated latex with a diameter of 0.31u, made from polymerization of styrene and acrylic acid, was charaterized and used to prepare HCG-latex. The use of water-soluble carbodiimide reagents provided an easy and rapid method of coupling HCG to carboxylated latex in 0.15M phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, at room temperature. The basis of the reaction for a positive pregnancy diagnosis is absence of agglutination of HCG-latex and HCG.-antiserum when either urinary HCG or. placenta HCG is added. 由早期胎盤中提煉出類似絨毛腺性激素荷爾蒙(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin,以下簡寫HCG.)應用在調製檢定婦女懷孕試葯。胎盤絨毛組織每公斤提煉45萬單位相當於絨毛激素荷爾蒙。其中有7種類似腺激素荷爾蒙(Gonadotropin)作用的成分。抽取並純化活性最高,含量最多的一塊,(其分子量27,500)。腺激素荷爾蒙活性胎盤中的70%且性狀與尿中抽取之HCG相似,在pH3以下,活性盡失,但分子量不同,氨基酸之構造也有很多出入。對濃尿素的耐力也相似在8M。濃度尿素中仍有50%的活力。這種純化成份,注射免體製造的抗血清(HCG-Antiserum)與由尿中抽出純化HCG的抗血清,相同的對HCG-latex有凝集反應。此抗體平均可保存一年以上,一年半後迅速失去活力,不再有凝集作用。
另由Styrene與acrylic acid在水中乳化聚合製成含有碳酸基高分子乳狀樹脂(Carboxylic latex)其大小約為0.31μ,而每21個分子Styrene中有一個碳酸基,經試驗後效果很好。樹脂乳體中之碳酸基與荷爾蒙中之氨基在水溶性Carbodimide存在下反應,結合腺激素荷爾蒙樹脂乳液經過數次高速分離機純化的腺激素HCG-latex。HCG-latex和HCG Antiserum混合即有凝集、沉澱作用。但懷孕婦女尿中之HCG與上列兩物混合時可阻止其凝集作用,以此試葯檢驗,婦女之懷孕與否可達100%效果。