本研究主要目的係探討綠色商品的網路購物經驗,以知覺品牌形象、知識安全知覺風險、關係品質與購買意願為影響因素,採用問卷調查法,研究樣本取自線上問卷平台以及台南地區的消費者。本研究針對217 份問卷進行統計分析,透過信度與效度分析以及迴歸分析對本研究假設進行驗證。研究實証結果如下:第一、消費者對於綠色商品的知覺品牌形象與關係品質有正相關;第二、知識安全知覺風險對關係品質與購買意願的影響有顯著的影響關係;最後,線上購物者對網站的關係品質會影響購買意願。 The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among perceived of brand image, perceived risk of knowledge security and privacy, relationship quality and purchase intention with green product in online shopping experience, using questionnaire study, research sample taken from the online survey platform, and Tainan area consumers. In this study, 217 questionnaires were analyzed through the reliability and validity analysis and regression analysis to verify four hypotheses. The major finding are includes: (1) consumers of green products brand image and relations quality are positively correlated (2) perceived risk of information security and privacy and purchase intention has significant effect (3) relationship quality and purchase intention has positive affects. Hence, the results shows that green product could have important perceived information of online shopping.