乙醯水楊酸( Acetylsalicylic Acid, Aspirin )經口投藥而併用非那西汀(Phenacetin )或是乙醯胺苯酚( Acetam inophen ),在白兔和大白鼠血液中產生一種化合物N, O-二乙醯基 - 對- 胺苯酚 ( N,O-Diacetyl-p-aminophenol,DAPAP )。本篇論文係研究此化合物之解熱、鎮痛作用及其急性毒性。
(a)解熱作用: (1)DAPAP.180mg/kg經口投藥,對於酵母誘發的發熱大白鼠其解熱作用強度約相當於乙醯水楊酸的120mg/kg或是非那西汀之 l00mg/kg。動物給予經口投藥DAPAP時,對體溫之下降作用和乙醯胺苯酚相同,但腹腔給藥時較乙醯胺苯酚的作用強。
(c)半致死劑量( LD 50 )分別為1540mg/kg (口服)和1480mg/kg (腹腔注射)。 N,O-Diactyl-p-aminophenol (DAPAP ) was formed in plasma of rats and rabbits after oral co-administration of aspirin with phenacetin,or with acetaminophen. In this study, the antipyretic effect, analgesic effect and the acute toxicity of DAPAP were investigated. In this paper we present some results :
(a)The antipyretic effect : (I)DAPAP 180mg/kg was orally administered in yeast-febrile rats, the antipyretic potency was equivalent to aspirin 120mg/kg (p.o. ) or phenacetin l00mg/kg ( p.o. ). (2)The effect on temperature lowing was equivalent to acetaminophen when it was given orally, but was more potent than acetaminophen when it was given intraperitoneally.
(b)The analgesic effect : DAPAP was slightly stronger than acetaminophen by using acetic-acid-induced writhing method.
(c)LD50 of DAPAP were 1540mg/kg ( p.o. ) and 1480mg/kg ( i.p. ),respectively.