研究結果顯示,大學生大多以小團體方式遊玩,且推測從電視節目和網路資訊得知其生態旅遊資訊。受測者在旅遊行程中,以「交通可及性」及「環境景觀」為優先考量。大學生對於生態及一般的旅遊認知差距甚小,對生態旅遊的認知仍未能完全了解生態旅遊的意涵與精神,因而在不經意當中可能表現出偏差的生態旅遊行為。建議相關單位在推動生態旅遊的同時,應加強環境保育與生態旅遊的宣導教育,且可透過電視節目或報章雜誌來宣導其內涵。 In this paper, the principle of eco-tourism and regional development in accordance with the status of Hot Springs, the design of eco-tourism map as a cognitive structure based on questionnaire design, analysis of the basic data and the image of eco-tourism, awareness and circumstances. To take into account the balance of tourism development and ecological conservation to achieve sustainable use of natural resources goals.
The results show that most college students to small groups play, and speculated that information from television and the Internet that its eco-tourism information. Students in the tourist itinerary, the "transport accessibility" and "Landscape" as the top priority. Subjects for the ecological and tourism in general very small gap between perception, cognition of eco-tourism, eco-tourism yet to fully understand the meaning and spirit, so there may be inadvertently displayed bias on the ecology. Suggested that the relevant units in the promotion of eco-tourism, environmental conservation should be strengthened advocacy and eco-tourism education, and through TV programs or newspapers and magazines, to propagate its content.