本文旨在利用病人滿意度來衡量醫生之服務品質,用以探討病患對各級醫院醫師之滿意度及差異情形,以提供各級醫院參考,期盼以更佳的服務來滿足病患的需求以建立醫生之形象。本文以台南地區的門診病患為研究群體,來探討他們對醫師滿意度之影響因素,其主要目的為:1.了解門診病患對各級醫院醫師之滿意度之影響因素。2.評估各級醫院在各個因素屬性上的差異情形。 透過問卷調查分析結果,本文發現台南地區門診病患選擇醫院之六大因素依序為醫術品質、關心態度、有效溝通、服務態度、禮貌及內在性格,其解釋能力為67.7%,而各級醫院,以區域醫院的評價最高。 Dtis study focuses on evaluating the outpatients atUtudes towards physicians in medical care settings. Through a quesUoooaire survey of outpabents in Tainan area, the purpose of the study areas follows: 1. To understand and compare the importaot factors that afect patieot attitudes toward a physicians. 2. To evduate the difereoce between factors of medical insbtutions. We fouod the six matrixjx factors explaining 67.7% of the total variance emeraged from the lactor analysis procedures; The factors were identified as technical quality, attenHvenw, effecdve communication, service attitude. Courtesy and inner character. We also found dIe district hospital won highest reputabon in Tainan area.