本文將針對不同地形區域進行地面點的高程實際測量,再對LiDAR DTM 之同名點進行不同地形型態之精度分析,以驗證其在不同地區之真正高程精度。此外,一般國內之地形分析皆採用航測測製之5 或40m DEM 資料,尚無針對同一地區以其兩次空載LIDAR 測製之高精度DTM 進行地形分析。因此,本文亦將應用台南縣烏山頭水庫附近之兩次空載LiDAR 測製之lm 及5m DTM 進行地形變化量測。 This study has carried on the field RTK and TS surveying to evaluate LiDAR DTM accuracy in several different type of terrain at Wusanto water reservoir region . Since this area has surveyed by Airborne LiDAR in 2004 and 2006 . Using 1m grid and 5m grid high accuracy DTM , measuring terrain change was analysised , The effectiveness of applying airborne LiDAR for the topographic change is proved in this study .