本研究從賞櫻遊客之觀光意象、吸引力、滿意度及遊後行為之關係建構賞櫻行為模式。於2007年3月14日至3月31日期間,在阿里山國家森林遊樂區,以等距抽樣之方法抽取樣本,進行問卷調查,共發放480份問卷,實得有效問卷461份。將所收集資料以SPSS12.0進行描述性統計分析,以LISREL 8.70進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式之分析。研究結果顯示,遊客以女性居多,佔52.3%;年齡以21至30歲者居多,佔31.5%;教育程度以大學居多,佔54.2%;職業以軍公教人居多,佔20.2%;居住地以雲嘉南地區居多,佔35.8%;個人月收入以2萬~4萬為最多,佔38.2%。實證分析結果顯示,賞櫻遊客的觀光意象及吸引力皆顯著地直接影響影響滿意度;間接影響遊後行為;吸引力及滿意度顯著的直接影響遊後行為。滿意度在賞櫻遊憩行為模式中具有顯著的中介效應。 his study assessed the behavioral model of Hanami using latent variables of tourism image, destination attraction, satisfaction, and after-travel behavior. A total of 461 valid questionnaires are collected using systematic sampling method from 1 to 14 March to 31 March 2007 at Ali-Shan Forest recreation area. The descriptive statistics of characteristics and socio-demographic were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 for windows. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural modeling analysis were analyzed by LISREL 8.70 for windows. Mainly descriptive findings were as follows: 52.3% were female;31.5% aged from 21 to 30 years old;54.2% were college educated;20.2% were government employees;35.8% lived in the Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas;38.2% had monthly incomes of NT $20,001 to 40,000. Empirical results indicated that tourism image and destination attraction significantly affected the satisfaction directly, and affected the after-travel behavior indirectly. Destination attraction and satisfaction significantly affected the after-travel behavior directly. Satisfaction were significant mediating variable in this Hanami behavioral model.