本研究以達娜伊谷生態園區及司馬庫斯為例,建構遊客之生態旅遊行為模式。分別於2007年5月26、27日及7月7、8、14、21、22日在嘉義縣達娜伊谷生態園區,及9月2、9日及10月21日在新竹縣的司馬庫斯,採等距抽樣的方式,進行問卷調查,共得有效問卷621份。利用LISREL 8.52 進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式的實證研究。實證研究結果顯示,原住民生態旅遊目的地之吸引力顯著的直接影響遊憩體驗,間接影響滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。旅遊動機顯著的直接影響遊憩體驗,間接影響滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。遊憩體驗顯著的直接滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。滿意度顯著的直接影響遊後行為。遊憩體驗及滿意度在本生態旅遊行為模式中具有顯著的中介效應。 This study assessed the behavioral model of ecotourism at Danayigu and Sihmakusih. The questionnaire survey was performed on 26, 27 May, and 7, 8, 14, 21, 22 July at Danayigu, and on 2, 9 September and 21 October at Sihmakusih. A total of 621 valid questionnaires were collected via a systematic sampling method. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis were analyzed using LISREL 8.52 for windows. Empirical results indicated that destination attraction significantly affected the recreational experiences directly and affected the satisfaction and after-travel behavior indirectly. Tourist motivation significantly affected the recreational experiences directly and affected the satisfaction and after-travel behavior indirectly. Recreational experience significantly affected the satisfaction directly and affected after-travel behavior indirectly. Satisfaction significantly affected the after-travel behavior directly. Recreational experiences and satisfaction were significant mediating variables in this behavioral model.