Erikson曾提出人類生命發展有八大危機,鑒於幼兒自律行爲與自我發展息息相關,若能有效對行爲自律節制,即能適度對此發展危機做出良好管理。本研究探討了解不同教養型態的家長對於幼兒發展過程中的自律行爲的預測情形。本研究使用Baumrind及Maccoby & Martin等人定義的四種父母教養型態:開明,獨斷,溺愛,及疏忽型爲評量藍本。而幼兒自律行爲則用Raffaelli,Crockett,& Shen所編之幼兒自律量表。在蒐集95位幼稚園大班小朋友家長之自我報告教養型態及該小朋友園所教師填答之幼兒行爲評量多元迴歸分析結果中,研究者發現獨斷型父母最能解釋幼兒自律行爲之變異量。雖然開明型父母也有一定的解釋量,但它與溺愛及疏忽類型父母則未能在統計上有效預測幼兒自律行爲。本研究結果大致與國外研究一致。台灣本地此類型之研究則極爲有限。影響本研究結果之限制及改善方法在本文內也有所討論。 Erikson proposed the eight critical stages that are vital to human psychosocial development. Self-regulation is one important area to individual life development. Those better at behavior self-control are considered easier passing their eight life developmental crisis. The study examined how the parenting styles would predict children's self-regulation behavior. The study employed the measures: a, parenting styles defined by Baumrind, and Maccoby & Martin, and, b, the abbreviated self-regulation behavior by Raffaelli, Crockett, & Shen. The self-report parenting styles and teachers' report on self-regulation behavior on 95 kindergarteners were collected. The multiple regression statistics method was run and found that authoritarian parenting was the best predictor on children's self-regulation behavior, the rest parenting styles were not good predictors. The results were consistent with previous literatures in Western society. However, related literature was limited in Taiwan. The limitation and improvement of the study were also discussed.