國內英語學習低成就的問題存在已久,近來有越來越明顯的趨勢,基於台灣是一個以英語為外國語的國家的現況,台灣學生英語學習的困境頗多,而學生英語學業低成就的問題也相對的比較嚴重。為避免學習差距日益擴大,英語補救教學應立即實施,並從根本,也就是國小開始做起。本文基於上述的目的,擬進行一個較完整的英語補救教學師資培訓計畫的設計,並且以重複閱讀當中的讀者劇場,作為主要的英語補救教學的方式,而實施的地點則是台南市。首先,本研究進行補救教學師資培訓第一階段的2場大型研討會的設計與規劃,目的在使英語教師具備有關補救教學以及讀者劇場的概念,然後規劃長期性、培訓性、支持性的5次月會,來增進英語補救教學老師的讀者劇場教學能力,在此同時(98學年度上學期),自願參與本研究的老師也進行實際的英語補救教學,研究者則進行教室觀察與師生訪談,以了解讀者劇場在補救教學中真正執行時的情況與問題,最後,將老師、研究者的問題與發現加以綜合,進行讀者劇場課程設計的修正,然後在98學年度的下學期試用,以了解經過修正的讀者劇場課程設計,是否適用於台灣的英語補救教學。未來,研究者希望能將此一師資培訓計畫,推廣至各縣市的英語補救教學之中。 Recently, it is found that there is a gap between students’ required ability and current ability in Taiwan’s English learning. What’s worse, this phenomenon has started from elementary school’s English learning. Therefore, the importance of remedial course is getting great and it is necessary for educators and researchers to find out an effective method to make up the learning gap before it is getting serious. Because the limited time and the insufficient practice in elementary schools are two of the main factors leading to low achievement, encouraging repeated practice with positive motivation and authentic meaning should be the core of remedial course. To solve this problem in English learning, this study will integrate Readers’ Theater into remedial course. Previous researches have suggested that Readers’ theater could benefit language learners from repeated reading which provided efficient and effective language practice. Applying RT into remedial courses takes well-trained teachers into this program, thus this study begins from teacher training of Tainan City to observe authentic teaching effect and to gain feedback for the future teaching plans. The procedures of teacher training and course design are as follows: First, in the first semester of 98 school year, there will be two workshops for English teachers who are involved into remedial teaching of Tainan City. After these two workshops, English teachers will be supposed to quip with concepts needed in remedial courses with RT. Second, there will be 5 monthly workshops for English teachers to improve their teaching skills for applying RT in the English remedial teaching. Meanwhile, these trained teachers will integrate what they learned from the workshops in their teaching. The researcher will observe their RT teaching and interview the teachers and some students to gain the immediate feedback from authentic teaching and learning environment and to find out the possible problems. Based on the findings from the courses in the first semester, the researchers will modify the curriculum design for the second semester to investigate whether remedial courses with RT is an effective teaching method for low-achievement students in Taiwan.