摘要: | 夏枯草台灣民間用來治療外傷的中草藥,其具有抗菌、抗病毒、及增強免疫力等作用,因此其極具開發之潛能。本研究結果顯示夏枯草的乙醇萃取物可以清除1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 和氫氧自由基,其IC50 分別為 76.45 ± 1.54g/mL和 0.75mg/mL。在TEAC分析方面,夏枯草的乙醇萃取物清除ABTS能力與標準品trolox相較之下並不佳。總括來看,夏枯草萃出物具有抗氧化能力,值得進ㄧ步研究和確認其指標成分。 Prunella vulgaris is a native traditional anti-bacterial herb for internal and external wounds healing in Taiwan. Results in this study show that the ethanol extract of Prunella vulgaris exhibited a strong ability to scavenge 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and hydroxyl radicals, the IC50 values for DPPH and hydroxyl radicals scavenging of the ethanol crude extract are 76.45 ± 1.54g/mL and 0.75mg/mL, respecally. On the other hand, the ethanol only showed slightly eliminating activity of ABTS radical cation on TEAC analysis. In summary, these data indicated that Prunella vulgaris is a potential ROS scavenger. |