高血脂之危險因子包括飲食太油膩、肥胖與體重過重、缺乏運動、抽菸、停經女性及遺傳等。有54﹪高血脂同學自述飲食太油膩、45%高血脂同學體重過重、58﹪高血脂同學自述缺乏運動、32﹪高血脂同學自述抽菸、32﹪高血脂同學自述可能與遺傳有關;經過專科醫師之衛教與觀念澄清,84﹪高血脂同學自述飲食減少油膩、40﹪高血脂同學自述正努力減輕體重,62﹪高血脂同學自述提高日常生活之體能活動、29﹪高血脂同學自述正實行戒菸中。同學們的血膽固醇濃度與血三酸甘油脂濃度變化在三個月後尚不顯著,需持續追蹤, 但專科醫師之衛教對於提高同學高血脂危險因子之認知與實際防治行為之改變有顯著效果。 It is well known in epidemiology which hyperlipidaemias is associated with the leader causes of death in the developed country. Those diseases are including coronary heart disease, cerebravacular disease, hypertension disease, diabetic millitus, kidney disease. It is important to increase the knowledge about the risk factors of hyperlipidaemias and the intention to preventive it in order to probity the progress of relative diseases development.
The purpose of this study is to survey the knowledge and attitude of adolescent hyperlipidaemias, and to compare the differences before and after the education intervention. 194 adolescences that had high level values in cholesterol or triglycerides of blood test data were participated in this study. The risk factors of hyperlipidaemias are oiliness diet,overweight or fatty,less of exercise, smoking, menopause and genetics. Before health education about hyperlipidaemias, 54% of samples self-reported having a oiliness diet, 45% of them were overweight, 58% of them were less of exercise, 32% samples had smoking habit; and after health education of hyperlipidaemias, 84% of samples self-reported change oiliness diet habit, 40% of them tried to control bodyweight, 62% of them were do more exercise, 29% samples had a smoking cessation program. Though the effect of decreasing the blood level of cholesterol or triglycerides have not been significant after three months, the intervention education of prevention hyperlipidaemias in the effect of increasing the knowledge , changing the attitude and building health behavior are effectiveness.