本研究主要探討Y 染色體上DBY 基因表現情形,以real-time PCR 檢測在不同人類器官細胞DBY 基因表現情形,DBY 基因在檢測的人體20 個器官中有微量均等表現,其中,睪丸組織則表現大量。以5’及3’RACE 進行mRNA 的5’及3’端點的放大及定序,DBY mRNA 有二種型式,主要區別是3’UTR 長度不同。其open reading frame 包括660 個胺基酸,在睪丸組織則僅表現具有較短3’UTR 的mRNA。以自製的DBY 多株抗體,利用免疫組織染色演測DBY 蛋白質在不同組織表現情形及細胞表現的位置,其中睪丸組織的細胞核有較明顯的表現,推測DBY 蛋白質可能與細胞核基因表現調控有關。 We used Real-time RT-PCR to compare gene expression in different human tissue.
Isolate and characterization DBY cDNA in the mammalian. Real-time PCR confirmed
the expression in human tissue. The DBY mRNA is ubiquibiously in any human tissue,
specificialy aboundly expressed in testis. The total length of DBY mRNA is identified
by 5’ and 3’ RACE. There are two different forms of DBY mRNA. The expression
pattern of DBY mRNA in testis has shorter 3’UTR. The DBY protein is involved 660
amino acids and expressed in the nuclear by Immunohistochemistry (data not shown).
It is important of DBY in the human spermatogenesis. We hope to identify specific
mutations or SNP patterns of the DBY gene inm patients with spermatogenic patients.
The study may help to clarify the role of DBY gene in human spermatogenesis.