三、社區銀髮族運動休閒參與者對運動休閒利益認知與運動休閒滿意度有正面相關。 The purpose of this study was to explore the differences in leisure benefits and leisure satisfaction for silver people recreational sport participants in Tainan area. Leisure benefits and leisure satisfaction rating scales were used to measure the silver people participants from community,70 person. Descriptive statistics were used to test the hypothesis and analyzed the data. The results indicated that:
1. Silver participants in perceived leisure benefits:
In balance life experience, Married participants scored higher than single participants, participants with job scroed higher than non-job participants, high educational level silver participants scored higher than low educational level silver participants. In promote life standard, female participants scored higher than male participants, married participants scored higher than single participants, high educational level silver participants scored higher than low educational level silver participants. In life wellness, female participants scored higher than male participants.
2. Silver participants in perceived leisure satisfaction:
In relaxation experience, married participants scored higher than single participants, participants with job scroed higher than non-job participants, high educational level participants scored higher than low educational level participants. In educational factor, high educational level participants scored higher than low educational level participants. In physiological factor, male participants scored higher than female participants.
3. There was a positive correlation between perceived benefits and satisfaction for silver recreational sport participants.