研究結果顯示,(1)台南市懸浮微粒濃度值呈現冬高、夏低之現象,其原因與冬季吹東北季風,大量懸浮微粒包括硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽隨氣流南下有關。由冬季硫酸鹽轉化率較夏季的硫酸鹽轉化率大,且夏季硝酸鹽轉化率較冬季的硝酸鹽轉化率大,再者,台南市的硫酸鹽轉化率(介於0.34~0.74之間)、硝酸鹽轉化率(介於0.11~0.34之間)皆明顯偏高,更顯示硫酸鹽的外來傳輸特性。(2)在不同污染狀態下,硫酸鹽、二氧化硫中度污染狀態大部分大於低度污染狀態,而硝酸鹽、二氧化氮中度污染狀態亦同,顯示TSP濃度的高低與硝酸鹽、二氧化氮、硫酸鹽、二氧化硫濃度有密切關係。(3)依污染物排放總量與健康效應研究結果發現,污染物管制優先順序應為NMHC其次為TSP,顯見削減NMHC及TSP的總排放量並將非燃燒排放列為優先管制之對象,實為我國現階段亟進行之空氣管制策略,此點與本研究結果不謀而合,唯更需加強控制二氧化硫及二氧化氮的二次污染。 The purpose of the study is to explore the characteristics, temporal and spatial variation and trend of aerosol, sulfate and nitrate, and case study for Tainan City based on data colleted from 2002 to 2006 of aerosol, sulfate and nitrate from manual operation monitoring station of Tainan city, Taipei city , Taichung city and Chyaiu-Tainan air basin .
The research results show that : (1) the concentration of aerosol appears to be high in winter, whereas to be low in summer. The phenomenon is due to large amount of aerosol carried by northeast wind in winter. Because SOR appears to be high in winter ,whereas to be low in summer; while NOR vice versa. Furthermore, The value of SOR ranging from 0.34 to 0.74 and NOR ranging from 0.11 to 0.34 in Tainan City is apparently high which indicate sulfate mostly conditioned to the means of distant emissions. (2) the concentrations of sulfate and sulfur dioxide in moderate aerosol day are bigger than in clear aerosol day and nitrate and nitrogen dioxide also have exhibited the same phenomenon, which show the concentration of TSP have the close relationship with the concentrations of sulfate, sulfur dioxide, nitrate, and nitrogen dioxide. (3) Considering the healthy effect of pollutants on human health ,we find the priority of pollutant control strategy is NMHC ,and TSP is second. But it will be emphasized on the emission reduction of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide to drcrease secondary particulate concentration.