「長備炭」為一種碳化木炭,具多孔洞特性結構,可被使用於水之吸附過濾程序,作為去除雜質的吸附劑或濾料。本研究主要目的係匯整國內溫泉廢水水質及管理管制措施,並調查分析市售長備炭之孔洞特性,並利用長備炭於溫泉廢水之吸附過濾處理。研究結果顯示,長備炭BET 表面積約為20-40 m2/g,且孔洞大小分佈相當窄,絕大多數集中於2.0 nm 以下。吸附用長備炭(代號:C-2)比燃料用長備炭(代號:C-1)有較好的吸附去除效能,符合對長備炭特性分析調查結果。 characteristic of porous structure, is used
extensively as filtration media and/or adsorbent
for the removal of all impurities from the
aqueous solution. The objective of this work
was to collect and summarize the information on
water quality of hot spring wastewaters, and
planned control/management measures in Taiwan
area. Also, hard charcoal in commercial markets
was examined to obtain its pore properties, and
tested as filtration media and/or adsorbent for
treating hot spring wastewater in this study.
The results showed that BET surface areas of
hard charcoals are approximately 20-40 m2/g.
The pore size distribution of hard charcoal
revealed a sharp peak at a much lower pore
diameter, about 2.0 nm. In comparison with
removal efficiency by adsorption, the hard
charcoal (adsorption use, notation code: C-2) is
superior to another hard charcoal (fuel use,
notation code: C-1), which is consistent with the
results of their pore properties.