還原性脫氯作用對於環境中多氯聯苯之去除十分重要,本計畫擬對台南市灣裡地區二仁溪下游底泥中的多氯聯苯污染之環境中自發性脫氯作用進行為期一年的研究,研究重心在於建立環境復育之方法,亦即利用天然底泥厭氧微生物對於多氯聯苯進行脫氯作用,底泥生物所需之養分物質來自活性有機污泥。實驗結果顯示,未添加污泥之底泥微生物,在經160天之培養期後,仍無脫氯作用產生,然而添加污泥之組別則在90天後開始進行脫氯作用,實驗證明二仁溪中廣泛存在著多氯聯苯脫氯微生物,此外,當環境適合甲烷生成菌發展時,便有顯著之脫氯作用產生。 Reductive dechlorination is of important in the degradation of PCBs in the environments. This study is dedicated to understand the reductive dechlorination of 2,3,4-trichlorobiphenyl (2,3,4-CBp) in Erh-Jen River. Therefore, microorganisms from ten river sediments were collected and applied to dechlorination experiments. By using natural sediment-extracted waters as cultural media, when amended with 10 g/L of dewatered sludge, all ten sets of sediment microorganisms initiated 2,3,4-CBp dechlorination after 90 days. However, without yeast extract, no set showed dechlorinating activity during a period of 160-day incubation. The results suggested that there were 2,3,4-CBp-dechlorinating consortia widespread in Erh-Jen River sediments. It also indicated that the dechlorination of 2,3,4-CBp could occur when the environmental conditions were suitable for the methanogens to be enriched.