本計畫對台南縣仁德鄉保安村二行社區人工溼地進行螢光染料追蹤劑實驗以探討其水力特性,由於該系統係以間歇性進水方式操作其追蹤劑濃度分佈與一般分佈型態不同,其濃度變化幅度較一般系統量測結果為大,同時,其停留時間分佈函數亦呈柱狀分佈,量測所得平均停留時間約為259 hrs,小於正規停留時間300 hrs,而其有效體積比約為86%。另尖峰濃度發生時間約為270 hrs,水力效率約為0.7,顯示其水力特性狀況良好。 In present study, a dye test was conducted to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of the constructed wetland located in Erh-Jen community, Tainan, Taiwan. The inflow was operated in an intermittent way. It increases the variation amplitude of dye concentration and changes the distribution pattern of residence time distribution function. The mean residence time measured was about 259 hrs and smaller than the normal residence time, 300 hrs. It results in a effective volume ratio of 86% and shows a accepted level of dead space. The time of the peak dye concentration is about 270 hrs. It indicates the hydraulic efficient is about 0.70. The hydraulic status of the constructed wetland is nearly well.