本計畫主要探討螢光染料Rhodamine WT於人工溼地之質傳過程中之其降解特性及其受鹽度之影響,以為其水力特性研究之用。由研究結果顯示鹽度不致影響Rhodamine WT之光解與發光特性,其光強隨溶液溫度上升而下降,而濃度則會因日照光解作用而有明顯降低現象。而鹽度對固定生物膜或懸浮微生物而言,皆有加重染料濃度減少趨勢之作用,而未有鹽度影響效應時,固定生物膜之存在條件會降低染料濃度,而懸浮微生物則無明顯影響。 To investigate the hydraulics of constructed wetland, the degradation processes of fluorescent dye, Rhodamine WT, had been qualitative studied in the present study. The salinity effect was also considered since it was an important parameter in tidal freshwater constructed wetland. From the results obtained, it shows that the salinity will not affect the fluorescence emission and photolysis process. A higher temperature of dye solution will decrease the fluorescent light intensity. For an environment of fixed biofilm or suspended microorganism, the salinity decreases the concentration of dye solution. In fact, the suspended microorganism will not lower the concentration, on the contrary, it can be lessened be fixed biofilm.