摘要: | 二仁溪下游河段為台灣南部地區污染最嚴重之河段之一,其底泥中更富含歷年來累積而成之高濃度重金屬。本研究主要探討由二仁溪底泥所馴養出之原生硫氧化菌在進行底泥中重金屬之生物淋溶時PAH釋出之情形。結果顯示,底泥在有滅菌無添加基質、無滅菌無添加基質及無滅菌有添加基質的情況下進行生物淋溶,過程中到試程結束時PAHs皆會隨著pH下降而釋出,只有2~3環的Phenanthrene和5環中的Benzo(a)pyrene、Dibenz(a,h)anthracene沒有釋出的現象。 The aim of this study is to explore the release of PAHS from sediment during the bioleaching process of remediating the sediment contaminated with heavy metals. Results reveal that the release of 4-rings, 5-rings and 6-rings PAHS in the bioleaching processes with non-sterization and substrate adding significantly increased with the decrease of sediment pH. |