摘要: | 本研究為一模廠操作研究,處理程序採用多孔陶瓷生物擔體反應槽(Porous Ceramic as Microbial Carrier of Bioreactor,PCBR),進行南部某電子廠制程中產生之STRIPPER FR(剝離液)廢水處理。系統實際假設於電子廠內,導入現場原廢水進行處理,系統分成進流水儲槽、反應槽、沉澱槽及污泥迴流部份,反應槽由隔板隔成五個內槽,於後三槽內各懸掛三顆多孔生物陶瓷反應器,廢水經處理後由沉澱槽攔阻污泥後經由出流管線出流。
本研究操作分成兩個部份,操作條件為進流量,改變水力停留時間(HRT)、食微比及COD體積負荷,觀察條件為COD去除率;前期進流量控制在1.1~1.4CMD,HRT為7.6~9.3hr,食微比在0.3~0.3kg-COD/kg-MLSS-day,體積負荷在0.5~2 kg-COD/m3.day之間,出流水SS濃度在10~55mg/L,COD去除率約在85%;後期進流控制在1.4~1.8CMD,HRT縮短到5.8~7.4hr,食微比及體積負荷分別提高至0.3~0.4 kg-COD/kg-MLSS-day及2~3 kg-COD/m3.day,出流水SS在5~30mg/L及COD去除率在90%皆相當良好,顯示提高進流負荷並未影響系統的處理效率。
本研究為利用PCBR針對電子廠所產生之STRIPPER FR廢水處理進行模廠研究,以提供後續擴大建廠時參考,由結果顯示PCBR系統相當的穩定,且處理效果良好,更可有效提高負荷,降低土地及初設成本。 In this study, the waste-derived porous ceramic was used as a microbial carrier to establish an on-site pilot plant for the treatment of stripper wastewater from an electronic industry. The pilot plant consisted of four components by influent storage, bioreactor, settling tank and sludge return system, respectively. Five cells were set in bioreactor and the plastic basket contained microbial carrier was entrapped in the last three cells. The sludge was returned from the settling tank to the first cell of bioreactor to enhance the performance of this system.
Flow rate, hydraulic retention time (HRT), food/microorganism ratio (F/M ratio) and organic loading rate (OLR) were controlled and evaluated in this pilot study. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was used as a parameter for the examination of system efficiency. Two stages of the test were carried out in this study according to two different flow rates. As for the first stage, the system was controlled under the condition with a flow rate of 1.1 ~ 1.4 CMD, a HRT of 7.6 ~ 9.3 hrs, a F/M ratio of 0.3 kg-COD/kg-MLSS-day and the OLR was in the range of 0.5 ~ 2 kg-COD/m3.day. The results showed that 85% of COD removal can be achieved and the effluent SS concentration was in the range of 10 ~ 55mg/L. On the second stage, the higher flow rate of 1.4 ~ 1.8 CMD and shorter HRT of 5.8 ~ 7.4 hrs were set to enhance to treatment capacity of this pilot system. The results showed that the COD removal was higher than 90% with a effluent SS concentration in the range of 5 ~ 30mg/L.
This pilot study indicated that the PCBR (Porous Ceramic as Microbial Carrier of Bioreactor) is feasible for the treatment of stripper wastewater and with several benefits including footprint save and the initial capital cost reduction. |