Abstract: | 本研究利用資源化多孔陶瓷擔體,應用在自然界中的循環或其原理所衍生的技術,藉由微生物各種生理生化機能來去除水中污染物,達到水質淨化的方法,採用三組流速(0.5、2、6 cm/sec)各分別搭配三組不同金屬銅量(0.1、1、5 mg/L)條件下研究不同污染物之出流水質之批次試驗。
研究發現化學需氧量 (COD) 在流速2 cm/sec銅離子濃度1 mg/L之去除效率為最好可達42.1%;重金屬銅在流速2 cm/sec銅離子濃度0.1 mg/L之去除效率為最好可達79.8%;總氮 (TN) 在流速0.5 cm/sec銅離子濃度0.1 mg/L之去除效率為最好可達29.1%,在高流速及高濃度銅離子環境下污染物去除效果低,顯示在高流速環境下會對生物膜造成沖刷剝落的情形,在高濃度銅離子環境下會抑制微生物的反應。
渠道內之硝化及脫硝速率受流速之影響,於流速 0.5 cm/sec,可得較佳之總凱氏氮及總氮之去除速率,生物擔體渠道可同時進行硝化及脫硝反應,於氮系轉化路徑中,發現因擔體內部有很多氣孔空隙及比表面積大,可讓微生物有良好的附著環境,可能是進行脫硝反應之主要原因。 In this study, waste-derived porous ceramic was used as a microbial carrier to establish a natural simulated attached bio-system for the treatment of polluted river water. This technology was basically employed the attached bacteria for the removal of contaminants including organic and inorganic existed in the river. A channel type reactor similar to the natural river was created to carry out the experiments. Two factors involve physical and chemical parameters were adopted to examine their effects on the performance of the system. The first is the effect of stream velocity with 0.5, 2 and 6 cm/sec, respectively. The existed inorganic component Cu2+ was selected as the chemical factor in this study by three different concentrations of 0.1, 1 and 5 mg/L, respectively.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Cu2+ concentration and nitrogen compounds such as total Kjehldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were measured for evaluating the efficiency of this system.
The results showed that the highest COD removal of 42% was observed under the velocity condition of 2 cm/sec with a Cu2+ concentration of 1mg/L. The highest Cu2+ removal of 80% with an initial Cu2+ concentration of 0.1 mg/L was obtained under the velocity condition of 2 cm/sec. 29% of the TN was removed under the velocity condition of 0.5 cm/sec with a Cu2+ concentration of 0.1mg/L.
Nitrification and denitrification were influenced significantly by velocity. The experiment results showed the best TKN and TN removal were achieved at velocity of 0.5 cm/sec. Nitrification and denitrification were verified to occur simultaneously in the natural bio-film simulated channel since the carriers are porous and with huge specific surface (BET) which can provide the appropriate environment for microorganism, likely the main reason for nitrogen compounds removal. |